13 | Temple of Doom

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THE FOLLOWING MORNING, INDIANA did exactly as she was instructed and met up with the bartender that was named Kali, along with her 12-year-old brother, Ronald. They were a peculiar duo. They were complete opposites, but they weren't anything special in Indiana's opinion. The trio would be riding in a carriage to a mountain range to get to the so-called Temple where they would collect the so-called Sivalinga. During this, Indiana decided to do some reading on the stone.

According to the book that she borrowed from Ronald, the Sivalinga was a stone that was often used for worship. It was often seen as a symbol of the energy and potential of a god called Shiva. Apparently, hundreds and hundreds of years ago, the stone was stolen from a village and dropped off in a temple, also known as the hideout for some bandits. The people who stole the stone passed away during a mysterious Earthquake. Legend has it that the souls of those people haunted the temple to this day.

Indiana scrunched up her nose in confusion. "Hey, guys? Do you know what Andhakaar ka Mandir means?" she questioned, looking up from the book in her lap.

Ronald, being the nerdy little preteen he was, nodded. "Yeah. It means the Temple of Darkness. That's where the Sivalinga is being hidden," Ronald explained.

"Sounds welcoming," Indiana mumbled.

After riding in the carriage for a while longer, Kali decided that they would walk the rest of the way. It was only a 5-minute long hike, but Ronald complained the whole way. He was your typical, textbook definition of a nerdy kid.

They arrived at a shady and creepy-looking cave that was supposedly the Temple. "This is it," Kali excitedly said. "Mom and Dad will be so excited when we bring the stone back to the village." Ronald nodded in agreement.

Together, they walked toward the entrance. As they neared it, they could hear the faint sound of screaming. It managed to send chills down the trio's backs. "Maybe we should've baked a pie," Indiana awkwardly said. "You know... to let them know that we're just passing through..."

A blast of cold wind was blown at their faces.

"Guess they're not a fan of being neighborly," Kali mused dryly.



"Mary Margaret Blanchard, if you don't sit your butt down right now on this couch, I will pick you up and do it myself!" Anna James exclaimed from the inside of Mary Margaret and Emma Swan's shared apartment. She placed a bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table.

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