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"Thanks for dropping us off" Grey said as she embraced the trio.

We gave them our numbers and they drove off.we walked
Into our hotel and got our keys.

"Do you think V likes me?" I heard Grey say as she sat down on her bed.

"I mean maybe but we only just met them" I explained to my daydreaming best friend.

New Text from Skye Kelly :
Hey wanna hang out today? :)

"I think Skye wants to hang out today" I told Grey, but she was still daydreaming about V.

Sending to Skye kelly:
Um yeah that would be awesome :D

"Grey get ready we are going to meet Skye!" I shouted. "Uh ,ugh, what?" She replied ending her day dream.

"We are going to meet Skye at the mall in a hour, get ready" I answered calmly.


As we got out of the taxi we spotted two young boys, Skye was wearing a asking Alexandria top, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and navy blue vans. Kana was wearing a white oversized jumper, a pair of dark navy skinny jeans and white converse.

"Hey guys, wanna go to the cinema?" They asked and we emidietly nodded.

On our way to the cinema we stopped to get pizza, Skye and I got a vegan pizza with vegan chicken and kana and Grey got a Texas bbq with no meat.

"What film should we watch?"kana asked.

"Oh I want a horror!" I heard Grey announce.

"But what film" I asked Grey quietly."OHH CAN WE WATCH THE BOY, IT STARTS IN LIKE FIVE MINUETS!" Kana announced.

"Yeah let's go watch that"Skye agreed and started walking to the cashier.

New update! Hope you liked it?! I'm writing this at a lake so I had time to think about what's going to be next so prepare yourself ;D


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