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My eyes slowly opened, and I could barely keep them that way. Tiredness was slowly taking back over me but I forced myself to stay awake.

Where the hell was I? I was ontop of someone's bed, in the same outfit I was in last night. My eyes darted around the room and recognized it to be the guest room of Michael's house. I must've crashed right when Ashton and I  got home, because I don't remember anything after getting back into Michael's house. I smiled to myself as I remembered last night and how incredubly amazing it was. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and checked the time. My heart sank as I saw all the texts from my mom and couple from Jessie. It was already 12:30 pm.

"Hey, sorry I forgot to text you last night. I forgot."  I texted her.

"Its okay, just get home. We need to talk." She replied. I cursed under my breath because I really didn't know what my mother wanted to talk to me about. I was about to get up, but I stopped as I heard soft breathing beside me.

I looked over to see Ashton. He was in the same clothes he was in last night, just like me, so my guess of us just crashing when we got back to Michael's house was probably true. His eyes were closed and his mouth was opened slightly, a soft breathing sound escaping his lips as his messy hair hung over his face. His arms were tucked underneath his body and his back moved up and down slightly to the pattern on his breathing. He looked peaceful anf quite adorable.

I was about to just leave and let him sleep, and text him later and tell him I had to go, but then I remembered he's my ride home. I sighed and put my hand on his back.

"Ashton."  whispered. No answer. I shook his body slightly.

"Aaaashtoon." I said a little louder. Ashton's eyes opened slightly and he lifted his head up.

"Brooke?" He asked. His voice was hoarse and he rubbed his eyes and tiredly ran his hand through his hair. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assured him. "I just have to get home. My mom's flipping a bitch on me. I was gonna let you sleep, but I don't have a ride home."

"No its okay," Ashton said as he got up off the bed. "I should probably get going too." I nodded and hopped off the bed as well and followed Ashton out into Michael's living room. Everyone was pretty much gone, except for a few people on Michael's couch that were still asleep. I grabbed Ashton's hand and we tiredly walked out of the house and to his car.

"What happened when we got back to Michael's house?" I asked as we drove off of his street. Ashton let out a laugh,

"Well," He replied. "You had a couple more shots and when I say a couple I mean like, 30, and then you got up on the table and offered to take your pants off so I decided then that that was a good time to put you to bed."

"Are you serious?" I asked, astonished that I don't remember a single thing. Ashton looked over to me and nodded, trying not too laugh too hard. I laughed too as I tried not to blush. We kept driving in silence, but it was a good kind of silence, because we were both tired as hell. We finally pull up to my house and he opens the door for me.

"Thanks for taking me last night." I smiled.

"Thanks for joining me." He replied. 

"I'll text you later, okay?"

"Yeah," he said. "But get some rest. You look tired."

I nodded and gave him a kiss on the lips and walked up to my front door step. I turned back to see Ashton still standing there, waiting until I was safely in my house. I waved and he waved back, and I opened my front door.

"Brooke Marie Anderson." My mother said as I walked into the kitchen. Oh god, here it comes.

"Hi mom." I replied. 

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