Chapter 3: Let the games begin part 2

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Amazing cover by _pchazza1234_


Josh's POV.

The wind hums a softer tune as the car slows down. The voices in back, for the first time since we got in the car thirty minutes ago, quiet down as my destination, a part glass, part brick building, comes within eye sight.

"Dude, you ready for this?" Sean asks me as he parks his bright red BMW in the parking lot of TNG studio. He and the guys, being the supportive friends they are, had came to escort me to hell.

"If I say no, can I go back to bed?" I answer with a yawn, stepping out of the car.

Apparently the TNG directors thought that I'd think it was an honor to be on their stupid reality tv show because they expected me to be up, and at their studio at the crack of dawn otherwise known as 9am.

As you can probably guess, that didn't happen. I wake up when I want to. And I wanted to wake up at eleven, so that's what I did. Of course I was hungry because of how late I'd stayed in bed, so like any normal functioning guy, I felt obligated to eat. Though that didn't go as I wished. My Mom made me go out with the rest of family for lunch.

And now I'm here. Standing outside of the red car, face to face in with my nightmare.  

"No, but I can." Tyler smirks.

The idiot gets to go home and live the rich life, while I on the other hand have to go through one hour of listening to James what's-his-last-name yap away about a show that I couldn't care less about.

"If I had a pillow I'd hit that smirk off your face, but since I don't..." I whack him with my adidas hat.

Knew that'd come in handy.

I think yo myself, placing the hat back on my head.

"Dude not cool. That thing hurts!" He whines, rubbing his 'hurting' face.

I almost feel bad about hitting him, but then I remember that I'd hit with a hat, and that Tyler is an actor. He gets paid to pretend.

"Stop being a wuss, Ty. It's annoying." Jake, looking as bored as hell, says, rolling his brown eyes.

"I'm not being a wuss Jacob. I'm simply being in pain because somebody decided to abuse me for no reason at all." Tyler speaks, glaring at me from across the car. I simply shrug my shoulders at him.

Leave me out of this, please.

"Tyler, a hat shouldn't hur-" Jake doesn't get to finish his sentence because I interrupt him.

"You guys, enough." I tell them.

"Dude you an't my mama, I don't gotta listen to you." Tyler declares, looking me dead in the eyes. His face seems so serious, that you'd think he was talking about something important, rather than nonsense. As if he was a cop, and I a prisoner-to-be, I raise my hands up in innocence, and give him my 'alright face.'

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