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A/N: So Ik I'm on break until tomorrow (Saturday) but I got bored and so here I am writing a oneshot .3.

Break is nice but I'm ready to come back ~^•^~

Also, this is like a spinoff of my Garmau oneshot soooooo... Just be prepared I guess XP. One of the only differences is that no Garmau shizzle is going to happy



UNIVERSE: Halloween MCD Side Stories


Oneshot Name: From Adults, To Kids, Then Back To Adults


Laurance's POV

"Lucinda!" Aphmau exclaims. A small bicker goes on between them until I finally twist my body around and glare in their direction. I'm about to say something, but no words come out of my mouth. My eyes trail up and down Aphmau. "Laurance..." Aphmau starts. "Laurance!" She growls. I look up into her amber eyes, "My eyes are up here." She states. A small pink dusts onto my cheeks, "W-Well--" I never stutter! Good going, Laurance. "Aww, can Little Laurance not think of a comeback for lil' Aphmau?" Aphmau teases in a baby voice. I scowl, "Don't go full out Zane on me." I say, referring to the 'great' nickname she gave me. Aphmau rolls her eyes and chuckles. She throws hair over one of her eyes, "I'm Zane and Little Laurance disgusts me." Aphmau dips her pitch down a full octave (A/N: one sec Meghan trainor came on meh Spotify. *4 mins l8r* ok back to the oneshot). "Impressive." I compliment. Aphmau giggles, "Thank you!" She exclaims. I smile, then turn my body around, gluing my eyes back to whatever Christmas-Halloween movie Dante and Garroth are engulfed in. I don't know what holiday this is for, Christmas or Halloween, but we're watching it anyway.


"LUCINDA, OH MY IRENE!" Aphmau yells. I turn my head and see a potion slipping out from Lucinda's hand. It flies our way. My eyes widen. I hear the crash of the bottle, and soon, a purple mist fills my vision. I loose my sense of touch, hearing, taste and smell.


Kid Laurance's POV

My eyes widen as I notice people I've never seen before, "Lucinda! Don't just leave me here! Come back!" A lady much taller than me exclaims (A/N: are you flattered aphmoo? /*O*\). A boy my age with blue hair stares at me curiously, "What's your name?" He asks with a bright smile. I dig my face into my palms, "L-L-Laurance." I stutter. "Are we in castle?" A blonde asks. I lift my head and look at him, "No, we not in castle." He talks to himself. "Lawrence!" The blue haired boy exclaims happily, "I'm Dante!" He greets. A small smile paints onto my face, but it soon fades once the blonde walks over. "Lawrence?" The blonde questions. I nod my head timidly, "I'm Gawroth Ro'Mweave!" The boy walks over to me, but almost trips on his own fault. Dante giggles, "Are you oki, Gawroth?" Dante asks. (A/N: I love writing about kids >0<) Garroth nods. "Let's go trick-or-treating!" The lady exclaims. "W-What? I-I've never been twick-or-tweating before." I stutter. "You never been twick-or-tweeting?" Dante questions. I shake my head no, "Then let's go!" Dante exclaims. "Ima be a cardboard box." Dante mutters as he struts out of the room. Garroth looks at me, "C'mon! Let's go get costumes!" Garroth leads me away to some random room.


"Dat was a lot of candi." Dante sways back and forth, "I is Dante and I is tired." Dante falls to the ground. Garroth yawns, "No, don't yawn Gawroth!" I exclaim. I yawn as well, "I is sowry!" Garroth apologizes. He falls as well, "No! More! Naps!" I fall into a peaceful (yet painful) sleep.

•Another Aweshume Timeskip Made By Yours Truly•

Aphmau's POV

I wake up, lifting my head off of the table where I had laid it about an hour before. I cautiously get up, something catching my eye. GARROTH AND LAURANCE ARE CUDDLING. OH MY IRENE. I grab my phone off the table and snap a picture. After I take the picture, Dante falls off the bed, snoring loudly. Wow, the three of them must be heavy sleepers because none of them woke up. I send the picture I got to Katelyn, then scurry out of the room, trying not to fangirl.

•30 Minutes Later•

Laurance's POV

"What happened?" I question as I feel an excruciating pain surge thru my head. I feel somebody else's hair on my forehead. My eyes widen as I force my eyes as far up as they can do. I see blonde hair. I immediately know who it is.


"Garroth..." I shake him lightly, "Garroth." I repeat. "Go away, mummy." Garroth mumbles. I smirk, "Last time I checked, I wasn't your mommy, but I can be your daddy." I state, my smirk only growing. Garroth's eyes jolt open as he pushes me off the bed, "Laurance! What in the name of Irene happened?!" He questions. I groan and peel myself off the floor, "I don't know.." I reply as I rub my head. "Ahahaha! You guys are hilarious!" Dante laughs. I shoot him a glare, "Dante, you're dead!" Garroth exclaims. He climbs out from the covers and chases Dante around, curtain cloth surrounding his body like a ripped toga. Dante's in a small cardboard box. I chuckle. I'm so lucky to have these guys...

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