Chapter 13:

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thanks to galaxy_horan

After minutes of silence Harry finally speaks up. "Can I ask you a question?"

The look on his face tells me I should say no but I can't help but say, "Sure."

"What do you want to do after college?" He asks and I laugh. That is the last thing I thought he would ask. I assumed he would ask why I am a virgin or why I don't drink.

"Well, I want to be an author or a publisher, whichever comes first." I probably shouldn't have been honest with him, he will just make fun of me. Feeling brave, I ask him the same question earning an eye roll from him but no answer. "Are those your books?" I ask him, even though he probably won't give me answer.

"They are." he mumbles.

"Which is your favourite?"

"I don't have a favorite."

I sigh and pick at a small fray on my jeans. There shouldn't have a fray already, they are brand new but I will worry about that later. "Does your girlfriend know you're at a party again?" He smirks.

"What?" I say stupidly, I had momentarily forgotten about her.

"You know, that square of girlfriend you have."

"Don't talk about her like that, she is.. she is..nice." I stutter. Harry laughs and I stand up. He doesn't know anything about Natalie at all. "You could only dream of having a girlfriend as nice as her." I spit.

"Nice? That's the first word that comes to your mind when you're thinking about your girlfriend? Nice is a 'nice' way of calling her boring."

"She is not boring! You don't even know Natalie."

"I know that she is boring. I could tell by her skirt and cardigan." Harry's head rolls back in laughter and I can't help noticing his deep dimples. I cover my mouth with my hand to keep from smiling at my girlfriend's expense. I quickly grab the water and take a sip.

"Well you've been dating her for two years and haven't fucked her yet, so I would say you're both squares." He says and I spit the water back into the cup.

"What the hell did you just say?" Just when I think we can get along, he says something like that.l

"You heard me Lewis." he smiles.

"You're an asshole Harry." I say and throw the half empty cup at his face. His reaction is just what I hoped for, complete shock. His large hand wipes off the excess water as I storm out of the room. He is completely infuriating, decent one minute and completely crude the next. I find my way back to the kitchen and look for another drink as the anger I feel overcomes the nausea. I have to get Harry's dimpled smirk out of my head. I spot Zayn's black hair through the crowd and walk towards him, He is sitting with a cute preppy girl holding a bottle of liquor.

"Hey Louis, this is my friend Tessa." Zayn says, introducing us. Tessa smiles at me and I return it. She must notice me eyeing the bottle because she holds her hand towards me. "Want some?" Tessa asks and I quickly grab it from her. The burn feels good, it ignites my body again and I momentarily forget about Harry.

"Have you seen Tristan?" I ask Zayn and he shakes his head.

"I think him and Steph may have left." He left? What the hell? I should care more but the vodka skews my judgment and I find myself thinking about how they would make a great couple. A few drinks later, I feel amazing. This must be why people drink all the time. I vaguely remember promising myself that I will never drink again but it's not so bad.

Fifteen minutes later, Zayn and Tessa have me laughing so hard that my stomach hurts. They are much better company than Harry. "You know Harry is a real ass." I tell them and we all laugh.

"Yea, he can be sometimes." Zayn agrees and drapes his arm over the top of the couch. I want to move it but I don't want to make it awkward because I know it doesn't mean anything. Minutes turn to hours and I haven't seen Harry or Tristan. The crowd starts to die down and I start to feel tired. It dawns on me that I have no way back to the dorms.

"Do the buses run all night?" I slur. Zayn shrugs and says he doesn't know. "I'll be back in a minute." I tell them and stand up. Once again the effects of the vodka hit me as I try to keep my balance. "Ugh, just who I want to see." I say as Harry's mop of curls appear in front of me.

"You and Zayn then?" His voice is thick with an emotion that I can't quite register.

"You are so obnoxious, I was trying to find out about a bus." I push past him and he grabs my arm. "Let go of me Harry." I look for another cup to throw at him.

"Chill out.. it's three am. There isn't a bus. You're stuck staying here again." His smile is so mocking that it makes me want to smack him. "Unless of course you want to go home with Zayn." I roll my eyes and he lets go of my arm. I go back to the couch with Zayn and Tessa and tell them about my plan to see if the room I stayed in last weekend is empty. Zayn offers to walk me upstairs to find out.

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