You Hear Me?

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I didnt know how much time passed by ,for it seemed that time stopped. As silence surrounded us and no one moved ,holding in their breath.

Eduardo didnt even seemed to moved as he kept his gaze on me . Never once breaking eye contact.

Finally it seemed that Celeste snapped out of it ,as I heard a high pitched scream to my left. But neither of us turned to look at her ,as I had him on gunpoint.

"What are you doing!" , Shouted Celeste ,she came towards me but Adam stopped ,holding back as she struggled against his hold.

"Dont you dare!", She continued to shout,struggling with everything she had for me not to shoot her son.

"V-Violet ?W-What are you doing ?", Denise whispered her voice sounding freightened.

And that snapped me out of the staring match I had with Eduardo.

I stepped back from him,and got closer to were Alex,Sabrina and Fabiola stood my gun still pointed towards Eduardo.

" Is it true ?", I whispered looking at him,my eyes pleading for the truth but my heart wanting to believe otherwise.

And  all he did was stare at me ,and in his silence I knew my answer ,as almost as a chocked cry came out my throat but I was thankful that tears didnt fall down my face.

"No.", I said shaking my head ,as my arm that was outstreched started to shake a bit.

"Violet,put the gun dow-", Denise started to say softly ,but I turned my head towards her .

"Did you know all along?", I asked her ,interrupting her  .At my question she snapped her mouth closed,and even took a step back.

"You knew. Didnt you?", I accused her ,looking at her in disgust.

"You did!You were in on this too.", I shouted at her ,and saw as she nervously gulped ,twisting and untwisting her hands.

"Violet-When I met you I didnt thin-", She started to stutter not looking at me in the eyes.

"I dont want to hear it !", I managed to grit out ,not wanting to burst in tears at the mention of her betrayal to me too.

"I never meant to h-", Denise started to plead ,stepping closer to were I stood.

But I couldnt with her. I had trusted her. Everything I have said she has told him .Everything.

"I told you to shut up!", I screamed at her and she lifted her head, her eyes wide open at my outburst .

"Your all full of lies .", I whispered into the silence .

"Mrs.Escorperto ,Mrs. Vitali is waiting outside in the front , she is prevented from coming inside by heavily number of guards .", A man says interrupting our little stare off .

"Violet."Fabiola says loudly .

That's all she says.

One word .

My name .

But by just saying my name she has said everything .

It's time to end this conversation.

It's time to go.

It's time to meet your parents .

But most importantly she has said its time to change my life.

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