Chapter 2

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Gary's P.O.V.
I got to school early since my grandpa Professor Oak is the 10th grade science teacher at Pallet High. I went to the front office to retrieve my schedule. As I scanned through my paper I realized who my homeroom teacher was. Great.... the old man! Now he is going to brag about me being his grandson and how great my grades are in his class!

Well, the year started on a bad note already... I

I started walking to my grandpa's classroom until I bumped into someone

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING LOSE-"" I stopped mid sentence.

"GARY?!" A familiar voice shrieked.

"Oh, it's just you Ashy-boy!" I said now finally realizing who it was.

"I see the nick name continues..."  Ash said in annoyance.

"You got that right kid!" I said.

"I'm not a kid... I'm 15" Ash said even more annoyed than he was before.

"You always ruin the fun out of everything." I said in disappointment.

"So who's your homeroom are you in?" Ash asked.

"The old man..." I said while sighing at the end.

"Great were in the same homeroom!" Ash said in excitement.

"Really?! Great now I'm not alone!" I said in a happier tone of voice.

"And Serena is in our homeroom too!" Ash said even more excited.

"She is? Great!..." I said with no emotion. The truth is, I don't like the fact that Ash and Serena are dating. It's not that I don't like Serena, It's just that every time their together Ash ignores everyone else around him. So now that their in the same homeroom I know this is going to be an awful year already.

We all walked to my grandpa's classroom Ash had his arm around Serena's shoulder blade and they were being lovey dovey as usual. What am I doing? In the back gagging at their actions, and obviously third wheeling...... see what I mean?

When we arrived to our classroom I realized the people that were in my classroom. Misty, Paul, May, Dawn, and Drew. Well at least I'm not totally alone this year! Ash seemed pretty excited, you could literally see his eyes sparkling.

We all sat down to review the rest of our schedules since we only checked who's homeroom we were in.

"Aww, we aren't in any classes together!' Serena said to Ash is disappointment.

"That's a bummer, but at least we have homeroom and lunch together!" Ash said trying to cheer up Serena.

"Everyone has lunch together but I guess your right at least were in one class together!" Serena said in a happier tone of voice.

"Hey Gary, can I see your schedule?" Ash asked me.

"Sure!" I said as I handed him my schedule.

I see Ash scanning at his schedule and mine back and fourth.

"Were in every class together!" Ash said very joyed at the news.

"Really?! No way!" I said as I snatched my schedule along with his out of his hand.

I looked at both of your schedules very carefully and what Ash said was true.

"This is awesome!" I shrieked in excitement.

"I know right!" Ash shouted.

After all of our excitement someone had to ruin it.

"Ok class settle down." I heard an old man speak.

Oh no... it's the old man speaking.

He continued to speak and I got more and more annoyed at every word he said until he said this.

"Something to know about me if that I am the grandfather of Gary Oak!"

I slouched down on my chair and let my spiky brown hair cover my face in shame. I felt EVERY SINGLE EYE in the classroom stare down on me. And from the corner of my eye I felt Ash giving me a huge smirk. I lifted my head up to give him a death stare but since he knows me so well he didn't buy it all he did was laugh.

Luckily the first bell rang. I grabbed all my stuff and stormed out the classroom. My next class was Professor Juniper and she was my history teacher. I walked into the classroom and noticed Ash was already there.



Maybe I should ask him myself.

"How in the world did you get here before me?!" I shouted at him.

"First of all stop screaming at me you look like an angry gorilla." He said with no emotion.

"Second of all, have you ever heard of a short cut?" He asked me.

"Uhh short cut? There are short cuts at school?!" I said VERY confused.

"Uhh yes..... are you that dumb?" Ash said like he was smarter than me.

"I am not dumb! I just didn't know there was a short cut!" I said very defensive.

"Well now you know there is!" Ash said with no emotion.

"Well are you going to tell me the short cut?!" I asked him.

"Nope! Only I shall know!" Ash said while laughing at me.

"... Your such a dweeb." I said to Ash then I sat down on my seat which happened to be right next to Ash.

We sat in history class just listening to all the rules and lectures Professor Juniper gave to us, then she said the worst thing you can possibly hear on the FIRST day of school... A GRADED PROJECT!

The only good thing about this is that she let us pick our partners. I immediately turned to Ash knowing that he was the only person I was really good friends with in this class.

"Hey Ash want to be partners?" I asked him.

"Sure!" Ash replied.

We went through all of our classrooms and luckily only History had a project. But it came to lunch time. I went through the lunch line and grabbed the food that looked most appealing to me and made my way around the cafeteria trying to find which table my friends were sitting at. 

I stopped in my tracks and I saw Serena jumping onto Ash like if she hasn't seen him in 5 years.... what a drama queen. Oh well.... I have no choice but to stare at them for the rest of the day while having a bucket next to me so I will be ready to puke any second now.

The rest of the day went on and on very regularly like how the first day of school usually is. The only bad things about today was my grandpa being my homeroom teacher and seeing Ash and Serena's romance go over the limit.

Well.... I hope the next days are better....

Sorry for the short chapter I will improve as I get more used to wattpad and sorry for not posting a lot, I've had school work and I've been busy on my Youtube channel which btw I do make stories there too my channel name is TheShippingFreak just like how it is here on wattpad!

The Reality Of High School Pokemon Edition By: TheShippingFreakWhere stories live. Discover now