eight: full moon

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Chapter Eight

The rest of September passed by slowly as the leaves turned to different shades of red and gold, and the arrival of autumn became more and more prominent. There wasn't much drama or particularly eventful happenings except for a few minor pranks here and there. (The marauders seemed oddly subdued) That is, until the morning that Brooklyn found out that Lucius Malfoy would not be expelled and that he had walked free without any form of punishment except a warning and having 100 points taken away from Slytherin.

"This is ridiculous."

The dark haired seethed as she set her glass of pumpkin juice down with a loud thud, rattling the silverware. Her eyes were so fierce, fire seemed to burn in them, and her usually porcelain face was slowly turning the colour of her best friends' hair.

"I second that," Alice said, as she too, was looking furious. Opposite her, Lily nodded sympathetically. "It's unbelievable. They let him go! Just like that!"

"He attempted to use a fucking Unforgivable Curse on Brook, he should be put into Azkaban," Marlene spat angrily, looking up to glare across the hall at the smug looking blonde lounging in his seat. Brooklyn did not speak, but merely reached across the table for a plate of waffles and proceeded to stab at them violently with her fork, muttering obscenities under her breath. Her fists were white from being clenched for so long, and she was afraid that if she tried to say something, she would explode. Lily gingerly put a gentle, reassuring hand on her shoulder, but Brooklyn didn't seem to notice, and continued to abuse her breakfast as if it had committed a horrendous crime towards her.

"We should have expected this," Alice murmured. "His family has a lot of influence in the ministry. Death Eaters, I tell you, every single one of them."

"It's just completely unfair," Brooklyn burst out loudly, setting her fork down with a clatter. Half the people at the Gryffindor table turned to stare at her, but she paid them no attention. A small part of her noticed that four particular troublemakers hadn't shown up for breakfast, which was odd, but she pushed the thought aside. Marlene nodded vigorously. "I had no idea the Ministry was this corrupted. Somebody should do something

"Yes, somebody should," Brooklyn muttered, trying to restrain herself from marching across the room and kicking Malfoy where it would hurt. Lily gave her a concerned look. "Please don't do anything rash, Brook. I know you're furious, we all are, but he's not worth getting into trouble over."

For a moment, Brooklyn was silent as she stared down the the mess on her plate, contemplating thoughts in her head. Then, she pushed her plate of food away from her and stood up abruptly, scowling. "I'm going to take a walk. You guys head on to classes without me first, tell the teachers that I'm ill or something."

"Alright. Don't do anything that I wouldn't," Marlene reminded. "And don't do anything that the marauders would!"

"Noted," Brooklyn called back as she hiked her bag higher up her shoulder and set off outside.


"Oi, Jones!"

The messy-haired, bespectacled third-year boy sat up and smirked as he waved to the girl walking across the school grounds with her friends. He was lounging under a tree with the rest of the marauders, enjoying a sunny day after having just finished a particularly tense Potions lesson, and his eyes had lit up at the sight of her. Beside him, Remus shook his head. "Can't you go a day without annoying that poor girl?"

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