Chapter 14

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The room was cold. Too cold for my licking. I snuggled closer to the person next to me. Wait what. Person.

I sat up busting myself out of the persons arm kicking them off the bed.

I heard a groan and the person stood up. I realized that it was Zayn. He was grumbling under his breath with his eyebrow frowned.

I fought my with my self. Trying to keep myself from laughing. My head started pounding. I groaned falling back into my pillow. I pulled the pillow from under my head covering my face.

My head hurt like shit. Zayn yelled. "Zayn." I glared . "My head hurts." He smiled. For the first time.

It was rather breath takin but I held my glare. He left the room and came back with two Advil and a glass of water. I took it and fell back into the pillow.

I remembered everything that happened last night. I didn't drink a lot.

I felt the other side of the bed dip and I looked over to see Zayn staring at me. He ha only boxers on but I didn't mind.

I bite my lip trying to gather my thoughts laying on my back. "I'm so sorry about how I reacted last night." I said staring at the sealing.

Zayn propped him self up on one hand turning to face me. "Its ok I would have been angry too." He said. I looked over at him.

He was so handsome but that's not why I like him. I know under all that he has a heart and he shows me it. When he does let his heart take over he's the most generous person.
"I was 13 when my mom put me up for adoption." He started. I put a hand on his chest. "Zayn you don't have to tell me if your not ready." I smiled softly.

He nodded. "My dad was abusive. Very. He would hurt her and hurt me." He licked his lips continuing. "She would tell me how strong we are together. How, how much she loved me and she'll never leave me." He said. I rubbed his chest.

"The night before adoption my dad broke my arm, she snapped and told him she had enough. She never once told him to stop the two years he bested us." He shook his head saying.

"She told me that she'll visit. She did but what j didn't know is that she was dying." He closed his eyes in taking a breath. I intertwined my finger with his running circles in his palms.

"She was sick. Each time she came to visit she got weaker and weaker. She told how much she loved me but if she did why didn't she tell me she was sick that she was going to die." He opened his eyes. His eyes were watery.

I squeezed his had snuggling closer. "My dad finished killing her. He beated her shortening her days." He clenched his jaw holding in his tears bit they fell down his cheeks.

I changed our position. I sat up resting my back on the back bored while he laid his head on my chest. He was hurting. Really hurting.

"I was 14 when she died. I didn't get to say good bye. He killed. The beaten. She died from all the beaten she got. Her body was weak." He said in tears. Tears fell from his eyes down my chest.

I played with his hair. "She made me promise the night before that I wouldn't tell she died because of my father. It was all my fault I should have know when she cried the night before she died. She cried at the adoption center. I've never seen her cry like this before." He said crying even harder.

His body shook under my hold and I held on to him. "Its not your fault." I said cooed.

"I could have saved her." He cried. "I could have. I just could have." He cried. I hugged him even tighter as his body shook.

It's like held this in for so much years. "Zayn you don't have to go on." I said softy.

"I want to. I need to I've kept this in so long." He said his voice low and raspy.

"After she died my dad took me back home. He kept beating and beating me saying it was my fault she died and I believed him." He said in low voice.

"I started street fighting at 15. When my dad found out he broke both my hands. He threatened me not to say a word when he brought me to the hospital but I told." He said.

"I told the doctor that took care of me. The Malik's. They couldn't have kids. She took me home with her. I moved here with her. She's the best. Ever since I've move here it changed me. It changed my whole life. I began my street fighting again only to keep my mind off my past. I met Zac and Zander. They've been good friend 's. Helped me through alot and even the Malik's." He smiled with tears still in his eyes.

I smiled at him kissing his forehead. "Your strong. Unlike me I'm not." I said smiling.

"You are." He smiled. My stomach grumbled an i felt so embarrassed. I covered my face but Zayn remove my hands.

"How about we get cleaned up and go get something to eat." He smiled down at me. I bite my lips nodding but wait weren't we at the party house.

"Zayn. Didn't we sleep at the party last night." I asked.

"It was my party." He chuckled pulling me off the bed.

I'll go take a shower in the other room. You could take a shower here I'll bring you some cloths." He said and I nodded going to the bathroom. Stripping my self I took a bath felling the warm water sting my skin.

It felt great. Actually my life felt great.

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