Chapter 39

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Laura's POV

I look at myself in the mirror, Joe is zipping up the back of my dress. Today is finally the day, Felix and Marzia's wedding.

"There" Joe says and I kiss him on the cheek. "Do I look okay?" I ask, turning back to the mirror. I was wearing a long, blue dress with small sparkly gems going down the sides. My hair was in a low bun, and my makeup had been professionally done.

"You look perfect, like it's your wedding day" Joe says and I blush, my face going a light pink. "Thanks, you look handsome" I smirk, Joe was wearing a traditional black suit with smart shoes.

He smiles and we hear a knock on the door. Jack and Mark walk in the door, wearing suits. Jack's tie was a light blue and Mark's was a light pink.

"You two ready? We have to go now" Jack says and I nod, looking at Joe who nods too. "Great, we don't want to be late!" Mark shouts and pulls Jack down the stairs. I try not to laugh as Mark crashes into the door, Jack crashing into his back. "Come on, ya big doof" Jack laughs as Mark rubs his forehead.

We reach the gardens that Marzia and Felix wanted to have their wedding in. They reminded me of the Secret Garden, the seats had flowers tied to the back of them, and there was a big arch at the top, covered in flowers. In a few minutes, that's where Felix and Marzia will stand.

Jack and Mark sit up at the top, where Felix is nervously waiting. Joe and I sit a few rows back. "I never thought that I'd see so many youtubers in one room" Joe whispered and I laugh, looking around.

Suddenly, everyone stands up and the music starts to play. I stand up, looking behind me. Marzia looks beautiful, she is wearing a white dress, a long trail flowing behind her. Felix eyes are full of tears, but also full of love for her.

The ceremony goes slowly, all of us waiting for the most important part. Finally, the time comes for the rings. Jack gives them the rings, on a little plate. Felix smiles at him and looks back at Marzia.

"Do you, Marzia take Felix to be your husband?" The priest says and Marzia nods, putting the ring on Felix's finger. She starts crying and Felix holds her other hand. "Do you Felix, take Marzia to be your wife?" Felix nods. "Of course!" He puts the ring of her finger, his hand shaking.

"You may now kiss the b-" But Felix got there before him, kissing Marzia. Everyone stands up and cheers. I wipe the tears from my face. Everyone is crying, Mark and Jack are bawling their eyes out. Even Joe had a tear or two.

They walked past everyone, and everyone cheers. Little girls throw petals, and everyone laughs. Felix kisses Marzia's cheek again, holding her hand tightly. They were the perfect couple.

Everyone walks behind them, Joe holding my hand tightly so he won't lose me in the small crowd. "Awh, young love" someone whispers in my ear and I blush a deep red. "Uh, thank you?" I say, and Joe laughs behind me.

Marzia throws her bouquet of flowers, and all the girls reach out to catch it. I don't bother, but somehow the flowers head for me, and I catch them. All the girls scowl at me, but everyone cheers. I go a deep red again. "Not for a long time!" Mark shouts and everyone laughs.

Everyone walks to another garden, where the reception will be held. A big tepee is set up, and tables are surrounding a dance floor. The walls were covered in fairy lights, and on the tables were little video game controllers and pug figurines.

I walk up to the board where the list of names for each table are put. Since we were the only children at the wedding we got a table to ourselves. All the adults were put together. Joe shrugs his shoulders "At least we won't have to worry about talking to strangers" He says and I laugh, nodding. "Come on, we are number 4" I grab his hand, pulling him to our table.

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