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I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. So, how did I feel about Drew? He was gorgeous; he had the perfect smile, the most azure eyes I've ever seen, and flawless hair. He totally understood me. He's sweet, funny, and a gentleman. He was everything I could ask for.

I smiled thinking of all the amazing memories we had together as I made a mental montage.

I now knew my answer. Yes.

I smiled as I closed my eyes, hoping to finally get some rest.

After sitting there for a while I decided to shift into a new position. Every few minutes, I would continue to do this, but I still couldn't fall asleep. Ugh, I guess I'm too anxious to sleep.

I gave up on trying to force my body to sleep and got out of my bed. I threw on a sweater over my PJ's and exited my room. I decided to get some fresh air and try to clear my mind a little.

As I walked to a railing on one of the edges of the deck, I turned to my right noticing distinct figure standing at the railing as well.

"Connor?" I quietly asked the figure.

"Jess? Oh, hey." Connor responded, turning towards me.

"I thought it was you," I smiled. "What are you doing out here?"

"I come out here every night. At first, it was just because it was kind of my place to go when I felt home sick, but now I come more for the stars," he nodded his head in the direction of the sky.

I raised my eyebrows as my eyes widened and I felt my jaw drop slightly, but my lips stayed closed together. I was in complete awe.


"Breath taking huh?"

"No kidding. They're beautiful."

When I turned my head toward him, he was already staring at me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked in a soft tone.

"No not at all. I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Well, for one thing, what did you ever say to Drew?"

"Um, well, I never gave him an answer, but I'm going to say yes," I responded somewhat hesitantly.


Without responding, I turned and gazed at the stars again. They really were stunning. I'm not used to seeing them so bright. Actually, I don't think I really see them since I live in the city and all.

"I hope he won't hurt you again," Connor said breaking me from my trance.

"Don't worry. He's a really sweet guy."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be blinded from the truth just because he seems like a nice guy."

This got me a little furious. What was his problem with Drew?

"What's your problem? You think all he wants to do hurt to me?" I retorted.

"What? No. I was just saying."

The fury inside of my grew.

"Just saying? Well you've been 'just saying' stuff like that for a while! Can't you just be happy for me? Or is that too hard for you? Or is it that you don't want me to be happy?" I questioned harshly.

"Jess, of course I want you to be happy. You're a close friend to me. That's why I want to make sure you're not going to get hurt by Drew."

He tried reaching for me but I jerked away.

"Just because he broke my heart once, doesn't mean he'll do it again! As weird as it may seem, he actually has feelings for me!"

He stayed silent which aggravated me even more. I stormed off, going at a really fast pace.

As I was angrily speed walking, I found a set of stairs that led to another deck, and decided to sit on them. I tried calming myself down. My breathing was heavy and my face felt like it was steaming. Good thing it started to rain, otherwise my face would've completely melted off by now.

"Jess, wait! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!" Connor yelled to me making his way towards me.

So much for calming myself. I stood up and began walking away again; the rage quickly returning. I could hear his feet hitting the ground harder and faster now, like he was jogging.

"Jess!" He grabbed my shoulder with his hand.

"Don't touch me, Franta!" I threatened yanking my shoulder away from his grasp.

"Look, I'm really sorry," he said rubbing the back of his neck. "I know you're really ticked off with me, but please come back to the rooms with me. Your going to catch a cold from this weather."

I looked up remembering the rain. It seemed as though the rain was pouring down heavier by the minute.

I sighed. He was right, it's not good to be out in this kind of weather. "Alright. But I'm still mad at you."

He nodded and starting making his way back to the rooms. I made sure I kept a good distance from him as I followed him.

As the rain kept getting heavier and heavier, my clothes became soaked. I rubbed my arms with my hands trying to warm myself.

Finally, I made it to my room. I searched for my key, but never found it. I searched a second time. still nothing. 

"Oh crap," I said with a sigh while remembering I left it in the room.

"Forgot your key?" Connor asked.

"Yes," I responded while giving myself a face-palm, "and I don't want to wake up Megan."

"Want to stay in my room?"

I was too mad to accept this offer. "No. I'll just stay out her-he-ACHOO!" I sneezed loudly.

"Jess, you're already starting to catch a cold. C'mon."

I sighed. Guess I have no choice.

He opened the door and gestured for me to go in first. Connor followed me in as I walked in, then shut the door behind him. I felt the heat of the room hit my freezing cold skin.

"Where's your room mate?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Sometimes he's here and sometimes he isn't." he responded casually.

He turned on the light then walked towards a drawer. He opened it and shuffled through the clothes until he found a large t-shirt.

"Here's a shirt for you to change in," he said throwing it at me. "You can use the bathroom."

I nodded and entered it. I looked in the mirror and saw a messy, wet, gross Jesselynn. I shivered at the sight. I looked away and began to peel off my wet clothes and dried myself off with one of the bathroom towels. I changed into his navy blue t-shirt with one of his logos on it. It read, "Frantastic Monday". It went all the way down to my knees. Why didn't he give me shorts? Oh wait, they won't fit me. They'd do nothing but cover my ankles. I shrugged and put my hair into a messy bun.

I then opened the bathroom doors and walked out. "Oh my god!" I shouted while covering my eyes. I felt my cheeks get hot.

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