Secret Story 5 - One Summer Festival

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A summer day some years ago...

I've taken all of the children from the orphanage to a summer festival

"Yuu' Oneechan , what's that ? said Yuumi while pointing out a candy apple in one of the stall..

"Yuu' Oneechan , i want to catch a goldfish.." said Shota pulling my hand seems to be trying to pull me to the goldfish catching stall.

"Ok , ok every one can take turns , and we're going to buy a lot of foods and sweets too , okay.." 

( i might wearing a disguise but the kids keeps calling me Yuu , seems everyone here is being suspicious on who i really am..)

I'm wearing a blue Yukata with a Sun flower pattern in it , this seems to be suite the the festivities and it's summer after all , it's a gift from the headmistress...

At first it was a lot of fun , but spending my free time with a lot of kids is sure is tiring i wish i ask one of my housemates to help..

Then ...suddenly i find myself alone at the festival..

"Did they get lost ?" (Did i get lost ? )

"What ?"

Nearby i saw a small girl looking down and waiting...

(She's not from the orphanage could she be lost ?)

It doesn't matter , i can't just leave her there..I run over to her...

"Hey , little girl what's wrong ?"

"Waah !! mommy , mommy is missing!!"  she cried

"Awwee..Mommy is missing ?"

"I can't find mommy !"

She's lost....

But her words take my breath away...

"You're just like me aren't you..... ?"

"H-huh ?...You're lost too , oneechan ?" said the girl wonderingly while tilting her head.

"Oh ' no never mind , let's go look for your mother , shall we ?"

"O-okey..." she nods while wiping her tears..


"Oh Aki !! There you are !!"

A middle age woman who had a dark red colored hair came running to wards us..

"Mommy !" said the little girl running towards that seems to be her mom..

The mother hugs her child and strokes her hair..

"T-thank you for looking after her !!" as they eyes met she felt her heart had a sudden jolt for no particular reason..

The woman had emerald eyes staring to Yomiko's brown contact lences..

"Ah , no ...don't mention it.."

"Thank you vert much !" said the lady with red dark hair...

The mother and child leave thanking me over and over as they do..

I watch the two leave, seemingly very happy..

(A summer festival with her mother..How nice....)

I'm surprised to be thinking that i shake my head..

(No ! i don't envy them , i'm not lonely...)

(I have someone like that too...)

(Someone who will come looking for me if i got lost ...)

"......everyone at the orphanage would ...."

Suddenly my words tail off ...

(But i wonder what it feels like to have your mother , to come and get you..)

Lost, alone , lonely...

If my mother had come to get me then , with a smile on her face...

"Oh ?!"

The more i imagine it , the lonelier and sadder  i get , until i can't stand it anymore...


(Why did you leave me ..? Why didn't you come and get me ?!)

I can hear the lively sounds of the festival far in the distance..The feeling of loneliness draws closer , scrabbling at my mind's door...

(Mother ?!)

When i come to my senses i realize i'm crying alone...

This replay over and over , and now i'm 18.

It's the day i leave the orphanage.

"Be well , Yomiko. Take care of yourself..."

" I will thank you , headmistress..."

"Be sure to eat well , and get enough rest..."

"Hahahah...You worry to much , headmistress.."

"Of course i do , I've been acting as your parent all these years..."

"Yes....thank you .." i hugged headmistress one last time as i head out to my new home..

My mother never did come back to get me...

(Stop already...give up these pointless hopes..)

You know , your expectations will only betray you...

If i take one step past this entrance , i will no longer believe in my mother...

(From now on...)

(I must make it alone...)

(Alone ?!)

 I harden my heart in my determination to erase all thoughts of my mother...

I step forward...

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