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Finally, the music day had arrived.
I was so stressed..but I had practised so much..There was no turning back.
I heard them calling for us:
"We'll now welcome The ARMYs for a dance featuring a mashup of the Ba..ng..tan boys?euh ok."
(They didn't know about Kpop,nor about BTS.)
I was stressed,but had to go.
As we entered the stage,everybody cheered loudly,to our great astonishment. As the music played,I forgot about everything in my surroundings and focused on giving my best. I danced as if BTS was watching me and Imagined Jimin in front of me.
My eye caught the flash of a man in front,filming.
He was an asian.(initally when I see Asians I imagine they are korean.hah.)
When the music stopped,we saluted and everyone was clapping their hands happily. I was satisfied. I appreciated the moment. Gaaah.

Heeeeeya~ im sorry if this is short but....well wait for the next chapter;)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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