Chapter 1

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So I've never been one of those girls that all the boys go running after. I always fall head over heels in love with a boy who I know thinks nothing of me. But why do I even do that? It's not like I've ever talked to them much before. And that's wrong of me because I'm only judging them on their looks. So then I've been blinded by the person I perceive them as. But in reality I bet they're nothing like that. I'm also never going to "fall in love" with a boy because I know I will get my heart crushed because I set my hopes way too high and he won't end up liking me.

So I've come to a conclusion. I'm going to stop liking guys just because they're hot. I need to get to know them. I can't just assume they're boyfriend material, I have to know if they would work with me. But that's hard when I have trouble talking to boys in the first place. So this will come to a stop starting today.

"Kelly you're going to be late for school!"

"I'm coming mom!" School is the least of my worries. I don't even care about it. I'd rather not go to school, be dumb, and be happy. Okay forget the dumb part I don't want to be dumb at all but I don't think I should be required to go to school.

It's my first day of junior year and I don't expect anything interesting to go on. I pick up all my school supplies and my backpack and I head downstairs. My mom turns around to the sound of my footsteps on the stairs. She smiles at me "Well don't you look cute!" She plays with my hair.

I look at her and give her a look that let's her know to let go. "Gosh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." She runs to get my lunch and she has a camera in her hand. "Here's your lunch, honey! Now smile for your first day of school."

I pout at her. "No." She gave me a pleading look. "Fine." I give her a fake smile while she fumbles to work the camera.

"Which button is it...?" I walk up to her and put my finger on the biggest button. Only makes sense. I walk back to my spot and the flash went off.

"Okay I've taken a picture for you. I have to go or I'll be late for the bus." She smiles at me and waves goodbye as I walk out onto the sidewalk. It's been so humid outside and I trudge my feet to the bus stop. I always see my friend Carrie waiting at the stop. She's my best friend ever. I don't know what I would do without her. She and I are both the odd ones in school. Nobody really talks to us. But we talk to each other and that's all I could ask for!

But then I see someone else walking up behind her who I've never seen. I was about to wave at Carrie but I get distracted by a boy standing behind her. She turns around and turns back to me "WHO IS HE?" she mouths to me. We both giggle. I run up to her and give her a huge hug. The mysterious boy glances at us. I thought he was checking out Carrie since she's prettier than me, but he's looking at me. I found it really strange.

We both giggle and whisper about how cute he is. But no I can't fall head over heels in love with him, remember? "So how's your summer been, girl?" I haven't really had any time to hang out with her since her family always takes really long summer vacations together. She always invites me to go along but my mom doesn't think it's a good idea. I hear Carrie ask me if I'm listening to her but I just stare at the boy for a second and he looks back at me and smiles, showing a bit of his teeth.

I begin to smile but stop myself because I don't want Carrie to tease me in front of him! So I continue my conversation, "it was pretty boring since I didn't get to hang out with you that much but you know I made a couple of friends at the pool. But not best friends."

The bus pulled up and I gesture my hand for Carrie "After you, dahling!"

She curtsied "Why thank you madam!"

I let her go in first cause I secretly want to get a quick glance of that cute boy one last time! We sit ourselves down in the very back of the bus and the boy sits in the very front. He glances at me quickly before he sits down. I take my phone out and handed Carrie one of my earbuds and we listen to our favorite songs and lip sync to it in a dramatic way. People around us start to snicker and point at us but we don't care and ignore them.

The bus pulls up to the school and as I get out of the bus I see the boy standing at the bottom of the stairs watching me exit the bus. My heart starts speeding up and I don't look at the steps and I trip and fall onto the boy.

Author's note:

If you want to know what happens in the story next make sure you're notified when I update my story! :)

Love at First Sight: A Luke Korns Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now