get money

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Nicky was telling Alex about how she basically told Lorna that Christopher was a fake since no one had seen or heard of him

Alex found Nicky at her house when she got home from school, the day she told her to come over

Alex gave her mainstream advice about apologizing and sucking it up

What Alex really needed to focus on was finding a way to get money

Nicky still got checks from her mom but she would never ask Nichols for money

Finding a job seemed to be impossible for Alex; no one wanted her to work for them

She was completely frustrated over the whole thing and no one could help

Piper tried talking to her but that only relaxed her for a moment

Nicky just made fun of her and it seemed like everyone around Alex had a job

Absolved in anger, Alex skipped class for the week and just spent time with her year book buddies

Today she came practically storming in, then shoving her bag to the ground

"Everything alright over there?" Amanda was the only one in the room

Alex grabbed her hair "yeah..where is everyone?"

"Class probably. Adom is getting lunch with Clark though"

"Oh okay"

Almost 20 minutes into a good book, Alex looked up and saw Adom coming in with Clark and Brandi

"Brandi? Where have you been?" Amanda asked

"I had to check on the homework I'm missing but I'm all caught up"

Most of them got their assignments from their friends who actually went to class

Adom sat down and took out some packed left overs. They looked really good, Alex thought it was steak or chicken

Brandon noticed Alex's staring and said something "next time you're that hungry Vause, text me and we'll grab you something"

Alex looked away from the food "where did you guys go?"

"Adoms dad owns a bar and grill so they get free food from there" Amanda answered

"And I'm gonna work there after high school" Adom added

"Are they hiring or are you just special privileges?" Brandi mocked

"No they're hiring I just don't want to work while I'm in school"

"Because you work so hard here" Brandon laughed

Alex focused on the fact that they were hiring "where does your dad work?"

"By the train tracks" he answered

Alex paid all her attention to this opportunity and thought about what she would say to them since she had no experience in anything

After school Alex rushed over there. She drove but she could tell it would was a reasonable walking distance

She walked in the front door and saw a bar in front of her and to the right were tables for regular eating. There was also a small stage for what looked liked small bands performances

It was a mahogany decor and it smelled like Italian pasta. There was carpet in parts and the bar followed about 20 chairs

People were rushing around everywhere and Alex almost ran into all of them

A guy with a stubbled face and gelled hair walked up to her "hello and welcome to Salute, how can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you're hiring?" Alex said quietly

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