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This is it folks... well sorta but I'll keep yall posted.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Charles and Marcus decided to build a fort of cushions from my couch in the living room. Jimmy and Nikko thought it was hilarious and started using some sheets to complete the job. Danny was too mature for them as he continued trying to prepare a lunch for everybody. Even his mom and my Grandmother were in the kitchen.

Typical me, joined in on the fort making sure they had everything held up right. Only once when Marcus stood up inside, took the sheet with him causing the fort to crash. We rebuilt it together in giggles and jokes making it look crappier but held better. 

Autumn walked in the front door like she owned the place.

“Hey my cousin lives here now so I pretty much own the place,” was what she said and greeting everyone in the kitchen.

‘It was too bad we couldn’t use a flashlight because it was still daylight,’ I thought.

The food started to smell good and I knew it was my Grandmother’s doing.

Autumn on the other hand was standing just outside our fort which Jimmy set a sign out front:

No Girls Allowed, unless you’re cool like Jake.

Charles was telling another hilarious story about what prank his brothers pulled on the neighbors which had us all in hysterical laughter.

“What are you guys doing?” and from the way she said it, I just knew she had her hands on her hips.

For a just a moment no one had anything witty to say and we got quiet.

“Touching each other,” came from Charles.

And once again bring us all to tears.

“Yeah, ha-ha, very hot to see I’m sure,” and I could hear her rolling her eye’s at us. “I just don’t see what my cousin see’s in you Jake. I know you’re in there because I can hear you laughing at me still. Anyways the food is ready-”

That did it as everyone started shoving each other out of the way. You’d think none of us have eaten in months. I don’t know who but someone caused the entire fort to crash again. More laughter. More jokes. More scrambling.

Heather showed up with her father and Lillian wasn’t that far behind. Even Daniel, though it had been two weeks since I last saw him, showed up with… 

Could I believe it?

Well why not?

Francis gulped when she saw all us hunky guys looking at her. She looked a lot better out of her work clothes. There was also something slightly different about her. 

Two full plates of pasta later I was standing by the counter listening to all my friends, family, lover and his family talk to each other the same time. I guess my people would get along just fine with Danny’s people. 

“Come on dude I’m starving!” Marcus shouted behind me.

“Better step aside and let him get his seventh helping before he eats the table,” I heard Autumn say.

With a smaller portion my plate I stepped out of his way and into the corner of the kitchen to watch everyone. It felt nice seeing a house full of people. Judging by the look on Danny’s mom, she could relate. We smiled at each other and she went back to whatever it was my Grandmother was saying to her.

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