Part 13

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*Ellas POV*

All the others came flooding into the lounge to listen to the voicemail.

"I swear, if we have to go to the studio, I will actually go mad!" Tom said, pointing to the phone. 

"Shush then!" Nathan said laughing. He clicked a few buttons and a familiar voice started talking

"Hi boys, just a quick message to say the house has been decorated for you and some furniture has been put in for when you move in, see you soon!"

"Eeek! That's great news!" Katie squealed. 

"We can move in when we wanted to now!" Rebecca said excitedly.

"I love the smell of new paint" I smelt as we walked into our lounge. We had finally moved in. I love it. Everything was perfect. All the others were sat in the lounge already. Me and Tom walked in after fetching some drinks.

The move was mental! The house was full of boxes, I mean, 10 people's belongings, you can imagine! Tom and I had snatched the biggest room before anyone else had the chance. It had a beautiful view across the fields. Luckily, no one had cared about us having the biggest room as it was on the top floor, away from everything. Nathan and Rebecca's, Sophie and Jay's, and Tasha and Max's were all on the second floor and Siva and Katie's were on the first floor. There was a kitchen on the first and third floor and a lounge on the ground and second. I loved our flat. It was massive.

"I don't think I will get used to living in a house this big!" Katie exclaimed, still overwhelmed with everything that was going on. 

These past few weeks had been crazy, it only felt like yesterday when I met Rebecca in the arena, when Tom came up to us, Nathan coming out in his duvet. We booked the holiday a few days ago too. To celebrate Rebecca's 16th. She didn't know though. Nathan was treating her then everyone else was paying for themselves. We were all looking forward to it. Tomorrow she turned 16 then the day after; we flew to the Caribbean!

"Can't believe you're finally going to be 16 babe!" Sophie squealed.

"I know, I won't feel like the kid of the group now!" Rebecca said laughing.

'You'll still be the baby!" Max laughed.

"Makes a change me not being the baby anymore!" Nathan laughed. 

"I don't want any party or anything! Just a night in with lots of alcohol!" Rebecca spoke.

"Hmmmm, we will think about it!" Tom winked. 

"I mean it guys, just keep the alcohol flowing and I will be happy!" 

"I won't be the one holding your hair back when you're being sick!" Nathan laughed.

"I think you will! Or I'll probably be holding your fringe cause I hear your a bit of a light weight!" She said. We all laughed. 

"So, what sort of alcohol?" 

"WKD, Cider, Beer, Vodka shots. Anything" 

"Okay, We'll see what we can do"

"Boys, really? Any chance of you consuming alcohol and you're on it!" I added. 

"She does have a point" Siva chipped in. 

"Why don't we go out for a walk, check out what's around?" Sophie asked.

"Okay" Jay smiled.

"I really can't be bothered. You two go"

"Okay" Sophie smiled and they left. Hand in hand. 

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