Next To Die

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Before class Fallon had overheard a conversation between Elle and Maddy, Lacey's old friends. They both were having a quiet argument about who could confess their love to Noah. Neither of them deserved Noah. No one deserved Noah other than Fallon. She wanted them both dead. It would be easier to kill them both, unless... She could frame one of them for the murder of the other. Fallon messaged Isabel and asked for some gloves, and a box of matches. She would use the gloves to avoid getting her prints of the weapon she would use to frame the girl, and she would use the box of matches to destroy the gloves after so they couldn't be found and used as evidence that the girl she was framing was innocent.

In her catering class, Fallon saw her opportunity. Elle was using a knife to cut up food. She hadn't cleaned the handle so they were covered in her fingerprints. Fallon quickly slipped on the gloves and took the knife. She put it in her bag without being noticed by anyone. Now she needed to get Elle to go somewhere where she would be trapped alone so no witnesses could protest her innocence. She also needed to get Maddy alone so she could be killed. She asked the teacher to use the bathroom, then left the room.

She went to Maddy's locker and put a fake note which read
I need to tell you something in secret. Meet me by the back of the field.
She put the note in the locker, and smiled. If she was in love with Noah, she would come. She would die there. She could also pin the blame for Ada's murder on Elle. If she could pull this off, this would be great.

At the end of the lesson was lunch. Fallon saw Elle go into the bathroom, and saw her opportunity to get Elle out of the way. She went into the bathroom behind her, and blocked the door. No one could get in or out of the bathroom. There wasn't anyone in sight, so she had no witnesses to confirm her alibi.

Maddy waited at the back of the field for Noah. He had something to tell her. Maybe it was a love confession. It seemed weird though, why here and now? There was a legend that if you confess your love to someone under the blossom tree near the sports track on a Friday, they would definitely accept your feelings. Today was Monday, and the track wasn't anywhere in sight.

Fallon looked at Maddy from a distance. She had come alone. The field was empty, which was unusual. It wasn't that cold, even though it was October. It may have been due to the rain earlier making the field wet. It wasn't raining now, though. She put down her bag and put on the gloves. She pulled out the knife still covered in Elle's fingerprints. She went over to Maddy and prepared to kill. She went in front of her and pushed her into the damp ground. Before she could react, Fallon put her foot on Maddy's mouth and fatally stabbed her in the heart, killing her instantly. She took her foot off of Maddy's mouth and dropped the knife. It didn't create any more wounds, but fell next to the body. She went back to the bag and pulled out the matches. She took off the gloves and balled them up. She took a match and lit it. She put the match into the gloves and watched them burn.

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