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Miguel P.O.V

"Daddy"May said as we sat at the table eating breakfast.

Well more like me eating and her poking at her cereal.

"W-when is mommy coming back?"she asked in a sad tone.

"I honestly dont know"i said feeling the sad feeling that she was experiencing.

"Can you call her? "She asked

"I tried yesterday...but she didnt answer...hey um bunny rabbit..can i ask you something? "I asked

"Yes daddy"

"When you went over to Eric's house was he ever mean or anything of the sorts?"

"No he was actually really nice...but i dont like him much...he always tells mommy what to do"she said

"Oh ok"i responded looking at my phone vibrated on the table and it was Avalina calling me.

"Lina its about damn time"

"Look Miguel we need to talk but Eric cant find out...lets just say we have a huge problem"

"Whats going on?" I asked but she hung up...i looked at my phone confused.

"What did she say?"she asked

"She said me and her need to talk"

"She didnt say anything about me? "May asked with a look that broke my heart into a million pieces.

"And that she misses you dearly...and to remember that she loves you"i lied...and she jumped up with joy.

I fucking lied to my angel.

Mikyle walked into the house from his basketball game.

"Ola mi familie"he said out loud and May squeled and ran up to him.

"Ola senhor Miki"May said and i smiled at how cute she was speaking Spanish.

I looked at the time and it was 2:40 pm.

A text message popped up on my phone and it was from Avalina.

Meet me at 3:00...and please bring May along...ill be at Zalsa...just meet me at the back.

"May honey!"i called out and ran back into the dining room.

"Yes dad"she said

"Lets get ready...i have a surprise for you"i said i lifted her up and made my way up the staircase.

I knocked on Mikyles room...and Jesse...Mikyles girlfriend opened up.

"Yes Miguel"she said with a polite smile.

"Could you please pick something out for may to wear?"i asked

"Of course...and i could give her a bath if you like"she said

"I would love that"i said smiling at her as i handed May to her.

Jesse happens to be one of the sweetest girls ever.. she is caring,honest and sweet.

She's always helping around and taking care of May while i go job hunting.

She gives the best advice and cares about my idiot of a brother more than anything.

I got into my room and picked out black jeans,a white short sleeved t-shirt ,a black scarf and i was ready to go.

I took a shower and once I closed my eyes a smile spread across my face as i remembered a beautiful memory.

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