25. Savage☠

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Incubus - Pardon Me


I stared at Grace with an evil running through my bones i could not tame. All i wanted to do was show her how things worked around here when Alpha wasn't around to save her.


That is how i felt at the moment, the embarassment she tried to cause along with attempting to get me punished.. i was ready to eat her face off.

"Excuse me?" I growled low, snatching the underwear from the table to remove it from my brothers appalled expression as the others stared in shock. Deacon however just glared up at Grace, his face going red with anger, jaw clenching.

Grace puffed up slightly, "you heard me! You're a slùt! You slept with Zaryn! I have the proof!" She held up a tissue in a dirt covered ziploc baggie, opening it. It reeked of Zaryn's scent.. his arrousal. It filled the room causing a few close by wolves to gasp and cough at the stench of soured male arrousal.

My eyes widened before the thin strand holding my sanity together snapped.

My wolf felt the blood lust, snarling and angry inside my mind. She wanted a peek at this wolf who couldn't shift because of the pregnancy.. wanted a taste of her blood. I let her come up, allowing her to look out through my eyes as they turned dark.. a black stare .. twisting fury as my hackles raised, teeth elongating and claws extending.

Partially shifted.

Which happens when someone really pisses you and your wolf off at the same time. Or your mate arouses you..
You allow them to surface, like when I was in the tent with Zaryn.. the emotion takes over and you dont shift fully into the wolf.. just partially.

She gasped, backing up as all the wolves stood in unison, giving us some space.

"Grace! What the fùck do you think you are doing!" Zaryn growled, an anger in his words that had my wolf looking up, meeting his eyes.

She liked his anger at Grace.

I took a slow step forward, a rumble in my chest vibrating outwards into her body.

"Nova. Stop! Leave, Grace! Go! What the hell are you thinking!?" Nic roared.

It was too late for me to stop. She stood her ground.. afraid but wanting reprocussions for what she had assumed i did.

Before Grace could take a step back, my hand shot out, grabbing her by the throat, the long claws from the wolf gouging into her skin as my wolf and I, together, doled out her punishment for being in our lives.

Blood trickled down my hand as my nails dug in, her screams being cut off by my strong right handed grip, her eyes wide with hysteria.

She never thought i would do anything? Even after all my attempts?

The wolf wants what it wants.

And right now it wanted her.

Slamming her back into the wall of the dining hall, i bared my sharp teeth at her.. my breath hot in her face. After her wounds healed in one day, here she is asking for more of my wrath. My insanity pouring out into her..

My hand came up, backhanding her in the face, my claws taking some shreds of skin with her. She couldn't make a sound as the blood streamed down her face.

I could feel Zaryn's wolf trying to come towards me.. to stop me. But the rest of the wolves here surrounded him, blocking his path to me.

"Nova! Stop!!!" Nic screamed, flipping the table to lunge at me. He was held back by the 4 males that had sat at our table as well. I continued with the show they so desperately wanted to see.

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