Chapter Five

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Ginny helped pack her mother's heavy winter dresses into her suitcase.  Lady Stockwell was busy fixing up her hair at the vanity.  She was looking at Ginny in the mirror, "Do you honestly think this is a good idea? Who will be looking after you girls while I am gone?"

Ginny smiled and went over to her mother who was frantically shoving a pin into her hair.  Ginny took the pin from her mother, who sighed in defeat.  She gently recoiled her mother's dark hair and slipped the pin in to secure it.  Ginny wrapped her arms around her mother, "Of course it is.  It is your anniversary.  You need to go on a trip."

"But France? Ginny, it's so far away and if something happens..." her mother twisted her gloves nervously.

"Nothing will happen. You will have an amazing trip. And Rosamaria and I have Cook and the other servants. The widow Lily Hanson promised to look after us. We will be perfectly fine." Ginny reassured her, reminding her of their neighbor's generous offer.

They didn't have any close relatives since their grandparents had all passed away years ago and their mother and father were both an only child in their family. But the widow Hanson had promised to keep an eye on the girls during the Earl and Countess's trip.

Her mother stood up and hugged her, "Alright.  I must go then. The coach leaves in an hour."

"I love you." Ginny said to her mother as she gathered her things and walked out of the door.

Her mother smiled at her, but the words I love you, wouldn't pass her lips.  Ginny still hadn't worked her way into her mother's good graces after neglecting to appear at the ball.  She had been constantly trying to ease over their relationship, but to no avail.  She wished every day would be exactly like this morning.  It had been forever since she had talked with her mother without them trying to rip each other's throats out.  She had quite liked it.  Perhaps this trip would help her mother forget about their little disputes and she would come back, happy to see Ginny again.  Though Ginny knew that was only wishful thinking.


The next day, the widow Hansen showed up with a few of her belongings. She stayed in the guest room and kept to herself most of the day, letting Ginny and Rosamaria reign free over their long days. They wouldn't be attending anymore balls until their parents returned, but they would be allowed to finish out the season.

Ginny hoped her parents had had a safe trip. So many things could've gone wrong. She had heard about multiple stagecoach accidents before. They could easily be robbed by bandits and then stranded, left for dead on the side of the road.

She knew her imagination was getting the best of her, but the thought made her feel sick, so Ginny got up and went to the kitchen.  Cook stood there, stirring a pot of something dark and creamy.  She looked up and smiled at Ginny, "I figured you'd be craving a cup of my famous hot cocoa, am I right?"

"You know me too well." Ginny slid onto a stool at the table.  She let her feet dangle above the ground, swinging them as her thoughts churned. She looked at the cook. "Do you think my mother and father will be safe?"

"Of course.  Why wouldn't they?" Cook placed a warm mug in front of her and leaned her elbows on the table.

She sighed. "I don't know. It's dangerous traveling on the roads...I just want them to be safe, you know?"

"Of course dear.  We will keep them in our prayers for a safe return.  Now, drink your hot cocoa. It will make you feel better." Cook patted her hand.

But Ginny knew the hot cocoa would do nothing. She wouldn't feel better until she got a letter from them stating that they had made it safely to France. Ginny forced down a sip.  She clenched the cup between her cold fingers.  Usually hot cocoa did the trick, but today she felt her stomach twisting and turning.  The hot cocoa did nothing to settle her nerves.

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