Chapter 56

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You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.~ Unknown

Dedication: To sisco0158 for the great votes! The support is lovely, as always, and really appreciated!


Looking back, things did not turn out even close to the way I thought they would.

The bridge had been stabilized, and Black Hawk had disappeared after our chat, saying she was on her way home. I had to get home too, for I had to find Siena and make things better. Even though chances were I had just blown my best chance at doing that.

I sighed, staring at the rubble. Bile rose up in my throat at the body bags. I was a failure to this city. A failure. This had to stop.

Every person faces a moment of crippling doubt in their lives. Everyone, where they're not sure they can do something. The worst part is, you never know when it's going to strike. This was mine. I wasn't sure if I could do this. But the truth was, it was time that I suck it up and fight.

It was time.

I turned sharply and teleported into my car, grasping the steering wheel so I didn't keel over from the feeling of dizziness that I always got. I changed and drove home as fast as possible, rubbing yellows and nearly hitting curbs.

I rubbed my face and I trudged up the stairs, keys jangling my hand. I searched for my house, but when I looked up and saw what was waiting for me at my doorway, I dropped them in surprise.

"Michael?" I asked. "What the hell are you doing here? Is everything ok?"

I bent down to pick up my keys, and stared at my brother in surprise. He was pacing back and forth, his face a mask of worry, his hair a mess from him running his fingers through it too many times. He looked up at me, and his eyes looked haunted.

"I had a vision." He said.

My eyes widened, and immediately, I ushered him into my house, locking the door shut behind him.

Michael had many powers, like me, but he didn't use them very often. Telekinesis, telepathy, and vibing. He had visions whenever an event was going to happen.

But his visions weren't good things. They often only appeared when something really bad was going to happen, like the time that Mom was in a car accident, or when Grandma died. But I had never seen him like this before. He was shaking, his face was gaunt and thin, void of color.

"Sit down. Tell me exactly what happened." I said slowly, making sure he was breathing properly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting it out slowly before speaking.

"I was at home, chilling like I normally do, when sudden a feeling of intense pain washed over me. I was in more pain than I had ever been in. Then, I started seeing things. I was in the eyes of someone who was buried under rubble, then I flashed into another vision, where I was standing on the outskirts of a city block. A building had collapsed, but then the vision dissolved." His hands were shaking even harder now.

"Dylan, I've never seen the city like this, but it was bad. Very, very bad. I heard screaming and prayers from miles away."

"Ok." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Did you happen to see when and where this was taking place?"

He shook his head. "It was getting darker, so I'd say it happened early evening, which means it hasn't happened yet, or we would have heard about it. But it's approaching soon. I was pretty sure it happened today. But the building look same."

He closed his eyes. "Wait.. I saw a sign that said 85th."

"Ok. So it happened on 85th St. We have to go there, now, to stop them from destroying it."

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