Chapter 151 - I'll Do It

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We were only in Philadelphia for a day. Lin just had to give the Penn state commencement speech. I was laying awake in my hotel bed. Lin and Vanessa were in the one next to me. I turned over in bed to see them, fast asleep. Vanessa looked peaceful, Lin looked dead. I smiled, seeing them. I rolled back onto my back. I felt the stinging pain on my ankle, and was trying to ignore it. Eventually, I gave in and tiptoed to the bathroom. I pulled my pajama pant leg up, and unwrapped the bandage. The cuts on my ankle were still horribly tender in the surrounding skin. I had to think of another way to keep them bandaged without having an ace bandage under my pant leg.

I rummaged through the hotel bathroom, until I found a first aid kit, I pulled it out, and found a box of band-aids. I grabbed the biggest one I could, and plastered it over the tentative skin. I pulled my pant leg back down, then threw the ace bandage away. I tiptoed back out of the bathroom, to see my parents still fast asleep. I crept into bed and pulled the thick blankets over me, then slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to light in the room. I sat up in bed to see Vanessa opening the drapes to let sun into the room.

"Morning." I groaned.

"Morning Mija." She replied brightly. "Happy Saturday."

"And a Merry Christmas to you." I said, and face planted back onto my bed.

"Come on sweetie." She said and started shaking me awake, "it's just the flight and then we're home."

"Okay." I said, and pushed myself up. "Where's Dad?" I asked.

"Getting breakfast with Seb." She said.

"Okay." I said, and got out of bed.

About an hour or two later, our cab was pulling up in front of the airport, after we walked in, I had to go to the bathroom, so, I took my bag and I quickly walked over. I was leaving the bathroom when a guy stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked, standing in front of me.

"Oh, New York." I answered.

"City?" He clarified.

"Yeah." I nodded slowly.

"Okay." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a corner, "what I need you to do for me is, I need you to put this in your bag." He pulled a small statue out of his bag.

"Why?" I asked nervously,

"Let's just say, if they find this in my bag, I get in a lot of trouble."

"What if they find it in my bag?" I asked.

"Okay, let's put it this way, if you don't put it in your bag, I'll shoot you." My heart stopped, and my breath hitched in my throat.

"No you won't."

"Okay, I'll shoot them." He grabbed my arm again, and pulled me out to the open, and pointed at a little seating area, where Lin and Vanessa were playing with Seb.

"Okay okay." I said, and grabbed the statue and shoved it in my bag.

"Alright cutie, we're on the same flight, so, what I'm gonna need is, you to find me, on the plane, and hand it off."

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