Chapter 83

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**Maddie’s POV**


“I’m too tired, George,” I protest, “I just want to stay home.”

“It’s Dad’s birthday,” George presses. I sigh deeply and lean my head on the door frame.

“I want to go, I’m just so tired,” I say, trying not to cry. I hate being over tired! George brushes the hair off my face.

“Alright, I’ll take Alithea, though.”

I nod gratefully and change into some old, comfy jeans.

“See you later!” George calls.

“Bye!” I call back. I look at the clock. It’s only six o’clock. If I go to sleep now I’ll wake up at about four in the morning… I’ll have to wait until at least seven thirty. I sigh and grab a book off the shelf. I settle onto the couch to read. My eyelids begin to droop and, though I fight it, eventually sleep wins.


I jolt awake and look around me. It’s completely dark.

“Lumos,” I mutter. I look at the clock. It’s almost eight.

“George?” I call. There’s no reply. I must have dreamt it.

Yawning, I pick up the book and turn to put it on the shelf.


I feel the book fall from my hand and it seems to take an eternity for it to hit the ground.

“Oops, how clumsy!”

I shiver at the high, cold voice. His eyes gleam in the dim light. I know vaguely that I should raise my wand to protect myself, or run, but somehow, I’m completely frozen.

“You will, of course, know who I am,” he says. I feel myself nodding.

“Good,” he smiles, “no need for introductions! And you know Severus and Bellatrix.”

I glare at Bellatrix who is looking very haughty and then glance at Snape who is staring at me with an odd look on his face.

“Now, we have a proposition for you,” Voldemort says casually, “I’ve heard you’re a very talented witch and I would like to use your talent. I can give you great power.”

“I don’t want power,” I say, looking straight at him. As I do I feel as if someone has grabbed my heart. His eyes flash angrily.

“I can give you anything you want,” he continues, “all I want is a leader. You’ve studied the dark arts. You know what we can do! Imagine the possibilities!”

I shake my head, unable to speak. Voldemort sighs.

“Very well, you leave me no choice,” he says, “I believe you were involved in the clean-up after Greyback’s little gathering?”

I feel my eyes narrow slightly. His lips twist into a smile.

“How would you like to see your husband and daughter like that?”

“NO!” I cry, fear gripping my heart like an icy hand.

“I didn’t think so,” he laughs, “if you come with us and do exactly as I say they will be unharmed. One toe out of line, however, and your pretty little daughter will be… Well, you were raised by a werewolf. You know what she’ll suffer. At least your husband will no longer be identical to his brother. In fact, he won’t be recognisable at all…”

I have to cover my mouth to keep myself from throwing up. I’m shaking so badly I can barely stand. Hot tears are rolling down my cheeks. Voldemort surveys me with interest.

“Right you husband a note telling him you’ve changed sides,” he orders me quietly, “and then come with us.”

**George’s POV**

“Just stay the night,” Mum says sleepily, “Alithea is settled and Maddie won’t even notice you’re gone.”

“Yeah, George,” Charlie yawns, “we’re all staying. Even Sirius and Remus.”

“I want to duck home and leave a note,” I mumble, rubbing my eyes. I scribble a quick note telling Maddie that Alithea crashed on Fred’s bed and that I’d be staying the night at the Burrow before disapparating home. I stumble up the hall and into the kitchen. I drop the note on the table and then notice there’s already a note there.

George, it reads, I have come to the realisation that we’re fighting on the losing side. After researching the dark arts I have realised we cannot win. Opposition is useless. If we keep fighting, not one of us will survive.  I have decided to join forces with the Dark Lord before it’s too late. Maddison

I feel myself go completely numb.

the losing side… join forces… too late…

I lean over the sink and vomit into it. The note still clenched in my hand, I apparate directly into the living room at the Burrow.

“Aw, George!” Charlie groans as I land on his stomach. I use my wand to light the candles in the room. Remus, Charlie and Sirius all cry out in protest at the sudden light.

“Read this,” I cry, thrusting the note into Sirius’ hands. He rubs his eyes and peers at it blearily. I watch the surprise dawn on his face.

“No,” he gasps, “no, it can’t be!”

Remus rips the note out of his hand and reads it for himself.

“NO!” he bellows, leaping to his feet.

“What’s going on?” Mum asks as she and Dad run into the room, closely followed by Bill and Fleur. I turn to face them, filled with shame and loss. I feel as if everything I’ve ever known has been a lie. My whole world is falling to pieces around me.

“Maddie has joined Voldemort.”


Despite over whelming demand for A Master of Mischief sequel, I'm going to release the Fred Weasley Love Story first, simply because A Master of Mischief isn't finished, so I might as well do the Fred story now, even though there's only 8 chapters left...

So, here's the link, hope you like it!

A Master Of Mischief ~ George Weasley Love Story ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now