No pain

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A week later.

Hollys POV

I've been taking all of these stupid sessions with Aaron but mostly I just read the bible the whole time. Today is my birthday and he wants to send me home because he thinks nothing's helping but I don't want to go back. They can help me get through college and give me a place to live so I agreed to go and come back once a week. I hauled my small bag of belongings into my shoulder and stepped out into the hallways I've memorized. Aaron was standing my the main desk with a few binders knowing one of them contained my information.

     "You ready Holly?" He asked me.

     "I guess." I shrugged. "I feel like crap but that was expected. It's chemo." I shrug.

      "Come if you have any trouble." Aaron replies.

     "Okay." I say quietly.

     "Your parents-" Aaron stops himself. "Mr and Mrs smith are waiting downstairs for you." He corrected. I hadn't talked to them since way before my attempt and I didn't plan on it anytime soon.

     "Okay thanks." I reply walking toward the elevator and when it opened  it was empty. I stepped inside and pressed the button with the little star on it. I stepped out onto the main floor and my parents waited by the door. I pull my hood over my head and walk toward them. They lead me outside silently and I don't get into the car.

"I'm going for a walk." I say and before I get a reply I walk off. I have a warm coat and I'm wearing black leggings with knee high leather boots. I pulled out a black beanie and slid it onto my head to cover up my bald head. I fold my arms over themselves and clench my teeth in an attempt to keep the cold away. I knew exactly where I was going right now and I didn't plan on getting side tracked. I turned into a small building that had a help wanted sign on the window. A sign I'd seen before. I walked into the building where I heard the yap of a few dogs. I went to the counter where a middle aged women stands.

"What can I help you with miss?" She asks me.

"I'm here for a job." I smile back.

"Here just fill this out and come back tomorrow around noon. We will talk about it over lunch." She smiles.

"Thank you." I take the papers and walk out of the animal shelter. I go back to the house and go up to my room, reading to fill out my first job application.

Zach's POV

I wake up to being shakes by Ginny.

"Hey." I say drowsily.

Mrs. Lamb called us in for breakfast. She signs.

"Okay thanks." I sit up and strap up my leg. "Guess what today is?" I ask Ginny excitedly.

What? Ginny says dumbfounded.

"It's Hollys birthday." I grin and Ginny returns it.

     I wish she was here. Ginny looks down at her knees which her feet are folded under.

     "Me too but we will see her one day. We just don't have the money right now okay? Maybe in a year when I'm off at college at least. She lives near there I'll just stop by on our way." I say reassuringly.

     A year is a long time. Ginny notes sadly.

     "I know." I say. "Let's go eat okay?" I stand up and she follows slowly with me as I wobble through the hallway into the kitchen.

"Hey." Andrew says as we walk in.

"Awe is this Ginny! She's so grown up I haven't seen her in forever!" Andrews mom gushes. Andrew rolls his eyes. Andrews mom brings us over a plate with a few biscuits and sliced apples.

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