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Preston's POV

I never was one for parties. I don't know. Maybe it was just the fact that a good majority of the time. I didn't really know anyone here. Granted I had Lachlan with me this time. And it was his party. But I felt uncomfortable. I didn't know anyone here. And to be honest I was a little afraid. Lachlan must have noticed though as he was hovering around me a lot. I felt bad for him. It was his party. He should be talking to people and enjoying himself. But I know he can't because since I flew over here for his birthday from Texas. He would feel a bit protective of me. And while that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I enjoyed his company. It just made me feel bad that he thought it was more important being around me and making sure I was ok. Than it was for him to enjoy himself at his own party.

Lachlan: "PRESTON!"

Preston: "No need to yell what's up man?"

Lachlan: "Are you ok?"

Preston: "Yes Lachlan I'm fine. You know I would be. You should be enjoying yourself. Not worrying about me. I'm still going to be here for another week."

Lachlan: "Yeah but even in that week, I know for a fact I can see you. But I want you to at least get to know someone. Or talk to people. I know you don't know anyone here. At least try for me. I love you like my older brother Preston. But at the same time. I worry about you. Your so far away from home and the concept of familiarity."

Preston: "I'll be fine Lachy. Don't worry about me. Ok?"

Lachlan: "Yeah. Ok. Sorry."

Preston: "Don't be sorry ok? You know I love you but this is your party. Enjoy yourself."

Lachlan: "I am. Alright I'm going to go and... I don't know. Forget about you. I guess."

I watched him walk off and start to talk to people. No one else that was involved with YouTube was able to make it as far as I knew. I mean that was half a good thing as I know parties can be a bit. Over the top. And being a YouTuber we do try to keep our lives private outside of videos. I decided to just grab a drink and try to enjoy myself. I would be spending the night that was no problem. Might as well try to be happy. I picked up a can of... Whatever this drink was. It tasted of bourbon and cola but it wasn't so bad. Taking a swig to ease the tightness in my throat kind of made it a little bit easier.

????: "Hey."

Preston: "Hey."

????: "You must be one of his YouTube friends? Where are you from?"

Preston: "Texas. Uh how do you know him?"

????: "Oh I've been friends with Lachlan for years. Names Jay."

Preston: "Preston. Nice to meet you Jay."

Jay: "So how long are you going to be staying for?"

Preston: "I'm here for another week before I have to go home."

Lachlan: "Hey guys. Glad to see you talking to someone Preston."

Jay: "Literally just started but you were right about him."

Preston: "In what way?"

He knew I was insecure about myself. I guess him talking about his YouTube friends would be ok. Maybe it's just because I didn't know this person that made it a bit harder to get that through my head.

Jay: "Hey are you ok?"

Preston: "I'm fine."

Jay: "This."

He said pointing to my can of alcohol in my hands. He took it away from me and placed it down on the table in front of him.

Jay: "That shouldn't be in your hands. Let me get you a glass of water. You don't look too good."

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