Imitating other countries

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Imagine, Spain and Romano imitating other countries when their alone.

Britain and America:

Spain: *eating*

Romano: *fakest british accent ever* oh my god, you're eating like a bloody beast!

Spain: *fakest american accent ever* haha no way duuuuuude bruh dawg. I'm the herooooooooo.

Greece and Japan:

Romano: *fakest japanese accent ever* konichiwa *bows*

Spain: *fakest greek accent ever* I like cats, I am a cat. GIMME BELLY RUBS!!

Romano: *fakest japanese accent ever* you need professionar herp *scoots away*

China and Russia:

Spain: *fakest russian accent ever* become one with Russia, da?

Romano: *fakest chinese accent ever* ew, that is gross, how could you say such things? *walks away*

Spain: *fakest russian accent ever* whaa?? I only wanted to meditate with you!!

Germany and Italy:

Spain: *fakest italian accent ever* PASTAAAA!!~

Romano: Hey, don't make fun of my fratello like that! Bastardo...

Spain: Sorry.

Finland and Sweden:

Spain: *fakest swedish accent ever* YOU ARE MUH WIFEEEE!!

Romano: *fakest finnish accent ever* nuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

Spain: *fakest swedish accent ever* how's it goin' bros. my name, is PPEEWWWWWWWWDDIIEIEEEEEPIEEEE!!

Romano: ok you're just talking it too far.

Spain:............................NO REGRETS!!!!!

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