Chapter Nine

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I sat up in bed and looked around. There was no one around. Just me. The dream had seemed so real though. I swung my legs out of bed and pulled on clean clothes before heading out to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Arthur appeared right on time. I hesitated, unsure of whether or not I should ask him if he had actually come in and spoken to me last night. He raised an eyebrow at me and I shook it off. It didn't really matter. I flushed when I realized I already had the answer anyways. I had been cuffed when I went to sleep. I had been free when I woke up.

Arthur began to eat, ignoring my epiphany. "Tony has the day off today and wanted to hang out with you."

I glanced up in surprise, then nodded. "Okay."

Arthur set his hand back down without taking the bite of sausage he had speared. "You can say no if you would rather not. You know this, yes?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I smiled a little as he turned back to his breakfast. He soon finished and was headed out the door and off to work with a final reminder that I was allowed to kick Tony out if I had had enough of her.

I smiled and shook my head. Tony arrived just after I had finished cleaning up the breakfast dishes. She waltzed in and looked me over with a critical eye. Then she grinned. "So, I was thinking I would teach you how to make sushi today."

I raised an eyebrow. That seemed like a random idea. I wasn't going to argue though. She shooed me off to get my shoes on and grab my coat. We were going to have to go out and pick some things up before we could start. I was beginning to like this idea. Going out seemed like a lot more fun than staying inside today.

Tony took me to several more places than just out to get the makings for sushi. I was beginning to suspect she was babysitting me. I supposed it didn't really matter. Though, I was starting to feel a little sick. The sort of cold, nauseous sickness that indicated craving. I grit my teeth as I realized Sophia had pumped me full of pheromones yesterday and had gotten me addicted again.

Tony finally decided we were going home and I breathed a sigh of relief. Just being back in familiar territory made me feel a little better. I just might be able to make it until Arthur came home. Tony started up some rice and then started chopping up the ingredients that would go in the sushi. I paid attention to keep my mind off my growing craving.

When she put a sheet of seaweed in front of me to fill and roll, I noticed that my hands were shaking. I quickly started moving to hide it from Tony. She hesitated, staring at me for a moment. Then she turned back to coaching me on how to not fill it more than could comfortably fit. Then I rolled it up.

It took a couple tries. It was harder than it looked. I grinned when it finally came together and I turned it over to Tony to slice up. I checked the time and got up to start some dinner. Arthur would be home soon.

I made some beef and broccoli as well as some egg drop soup to go with the sushi. Tony made a couple more kinds of sushi and arranged them all on a plate. I bit my lip as I finished up dinner. I was feeling sick enough I might not be able to eat. My hands were starting to shake to much to control.

I looked up in relief when the door opened and Arthur came in. "Glad you're back."

Arthur took one look at me and frowned. "You were supposed to bite him before he got that bad Tony."

Tony folded her arms across her chest and leaned against the back of my usual chair. "You told me he would ask. He has yet to do that."

I shivered when they both turned to look at me. I tried to turn and face them and sagged. Arthur was suddenly there to catch me. I struggled to get my feet under me as he pulled me up and against him.

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