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In the morning I woke up to nothing but the shine of the sun on my face. Funny. I usually wake up to insistent knocking on my door. I got up from where I was and looked around. My room, like myself, was wrecked. I had tattoos all along my right arm, and I now wore black hair. I didn't want to leave my room, ever. But if they have those people in the makeshift Hulk-cage Tony built in the basement of this place, there was going to be mayhem. They needed to talk to someone that has gone through the same tragedy as them. I got up from the floor and jumped into the shower. Using the mind swap ability, I looked to see if Bucky was awake, surprised only to find his room vacant. After I dressed I headed down to the basement, and where most likely everyone was. They were in for a surprise.

*Bucky's POV*
"Don't you think it would be wise if we waited for Della?," I asked Fury.
"We're not going to let one person get in the way of our interrogation," he answered roughly. His throat still sore from when Della choked him. We stood before the cage and watched as every person inside stirred awake. They were terrified. One of them threw their hand out at a guard and the guy doubled over in pain.
"Stop!" Fury shouted over the commotion. "Let us out and I will!" the young man shouted.
All around more and more people started to writhe in pain. The young fellow turned his gaze to me then and I could feel my pulse quicken but just then he collapsed to the floor.
"Not a chance, asshole!" I turned around to see Della. A new and honestly a bit chilling Della. She threw me a quick smile and strode forward. "I didn't receive an invitation."

*Della's POV*
Everyone was looking at me. Which made me smile.
"We thought you would like to rest for the day," Fury said angrily.
Ignoring Fury, I circled the cage to make sure everyone was accounted for. Where was Fernando? I went back over to Bucky. "Do you know when they're keeping Fernando?"
He shook his head. I could smell a tinge of fear off of him which doesn't surprise me. I mean look at me I must look like a wreck. Using Wanda's ability I found out that they were holding Fernando in the room next door. Good.
"Listen up! What these people want from you isn't your soul or to experiment on you. They want to make sure you guy's aren't going to go berserk and go on killing spree. With help from us, you will be able to get a hold of your powers and be able to go into society safely. If you choose to go against us, well I don't know what will happen there," I looked at each and every one of them, hoping they can process this well. "Make a decision. Oh, and tell that stupid son of a bitch when he wakes up to fucking control himself. Next time he won't wake up." I suppressed them from using their gifts and zoomed next door. Fernando was starting to stir when I got there. I locked all of the doors and waited.
"What do you want?" he grumbled.
"I want to know what else Valentín told you about me."
He scratched at his chin and sat up straighter. "That you are ruthless and beautiful. One of his most prized pupils."
I held back the urge to vomit. "Go on!"
"That you are unstoppable and that one day you will evolve to your full potential."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
He sighed. "They are holding you back, Ružový. These Avengers are holding you back from becoming something more."
I hesitated a bit before asking. "What else do you know?"
"Everyone knows about you. Everyone who knows and works for Hydra knows who you are. And they are waiting for you to take reign." By now he was standing so close to the glass as if he was trying to phase through to get to me. "You are going to be their leader."
"What makes you think I would help any of you, lunatics?."
"You may resist at first but you'll eventually turn to us and we'll shower you with all of the knowledge you so desperately seek in your day to day life."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Have you ever wondered where you came from? Who your parents are?"
"Stop!" I turned away from him. I didn't want to hear this!
"You need to know! You crave this knowledge!" he banged his fists against the glass for emphasis.
I turned back around to face him. Just then the doors started to rattle. "Della! Open up!"
"Tell me!," I shouted.
"Let me out of here and I'll tell you everything you so desperately need to know!" he grinned devilishly.
"Open up!" They were banging on the doors now.
Fuck this guy. Using my mind swap ability I slipped into his mind to find out the truth. Inside I looked for the information he had on me. Going through a person's mind is like going through a library. There are so many books that you want to read but there's not enough time. I found the "book" he had on me. I was flooded with memories.
"She is the most lovely thing!"
"She will lead us out of darkness!"
"She isn't human at all!" There. I opened up the memory. It was Valentín, Fernando, and five other men. It was a conference call between all of the head honchos.
"What are you saying?"
"She is a descendant of Cheyarafim. A group of heavenly angels. Her father is apparently one of them and had a sexual encounter with a woman. The catch? She was a mutant."
"What does this mean?"
"It means she is the most powerful mutant we have! It means we will prevail!"
Everyone was speechless.
"Will you be able to control her?"
"With some time and help from a few sources, I will be able to make her do my bidding."
"Good work, Valentín."
Everyone started clapping. They ended the call and that was it. Valentín and Fernando stood there now alone.
"She is most exquisite," Fernando replied looking at the picture that was on the table.
"She is isn't she. Fernando. In the case that she kills me because I know she will. I want you to let her know that Hydra is her's. She is going to rule for us. Lead us out of the shadows."
"It would be my pleasure."
"I also request that you make sure she hurts. Badly."
"Yes, sir."
While I was in Fernando's mind they got through the doors. Fernando and I had collapsed to the ground.
In a state of utter shock I slipped out of Fernando's mind and lied there. Eyes wide and knowing.
"Della! Can you hear me!?," Bucky shouted. He had me in his arms and softly slapped my face. He checked my pulse. "She's just in shock!" He picked me up then and took me out of the room. "Stay with me Della!" 

I let the tears that I was holding back, go. I knew I wasn't normal, but now, I will never be free. Years from now I'll still be working for these assholes. I'll always be looking over my shoulder, they'll always be watching. Hydra will never leave me alone. They captured me once what's to say they won't again? Bucky had taken me to the living room to lie down on one of the couches, he looked around to make sure no one had followed us and I saw it then in his face. Sadness and uncertainty, in me.

"You're safe now, Del."
I took a deep breath and whispered. "I'm not human."
He gave me a puzzling look.
"I learned today... I am half angel and half mutant."
He nodded.
"I've known that I was different and I've always hidden from it. Now? I don't have a choice."
"What do you mean?"
"They're gonna ask me to tell them what happened back there. I'm not going to say anything but they're going to ask Fernando about it."
"I can talk to him if you'd like," he smirked.
I smiled. "Thanks, but I think I can handle it." I got up and wiped at my face. "I have to go back there anyways, in case that asshole wakes up."
He smiled then and we walked back there together.
"Hey, Buck."
He turned to face me. "Yes?"
"Thank you for taking me out of there."
"Not a problem."
Looking at his eyes and posture I could tell he was burning with questions.
"Maybe later we can talk and have something to eat? Maybe dinner?"
"Sounds good."

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