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The 5th year slytherins had free lesson that afternoon. Dani walked into the slytherin common room to be welcomed with her ex-boyfriend snogging pansy parkinson.

Dani laughed at them hysterically.

"Jealous?" Questioned Pansy.

"Of you. No chance." Laugjed Dani.

Pansy scowled at her.

"Oh and if you go round his house watch out, there are boxers EVERYWHERE!" Laughed Dani, draco blushed.

Pansy turned to draco who had gone scarlet.

"Ignore her." Mumbled Draco and the two went back to snogging.

Dani walked out of the common room and up to the gryffindors, who also had a free lesson.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia." Said Dani and the potrait swung open.

She climbed in and walked over to Harry, Ron and Hermoine smiling.

"Your happy about something." Said Hermoine.

"I just watched Pansy and Draco snogging." Said Dani beginging to cry.

Harry hugged her.

"Ignore him." They said.

"Ignore her." Draco had said.
"Ignore him." Harry and Hermoine had said.

Just ignore.

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