chapter 39

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Marks pov

I could kill that "James"! Messing with our heads, putting us in games! I was concentrating on my anger so much i didnt realise maddy was taken from me. I was now in a room with erin. I suddenly forgot all about maddy and the only person i wanted was erin. I let her run her hands over my chest and up my neck. Her soft lips sucked mine. I grabbed her head and pulled her closer. It was so sweet and innocent. Erin suddenly broke away. She said it wasnt right and i was maddys. I was so confused.
She backed away a little and started banging on the glass. I copied her. I suddenly felt a rush of emotions flood back into me. I almost tripped when they came back. I suddenly felt love for maddy, and friendship for erin. I suddenly realised how hard that would've been for erin, breaking away like that. I felt proud of her. I started to bang too. Maddy suddenly ran up to our glass. I pushed harder and seconds later maddy and i were embracing. Erin looked a little sheepish, walked towards lucy who was still in a glass room. I saw dan and phil pushing with all their might. The glass suddenly shattered and lucy came rushing up to us. I released maddy and grabbed erin into a tight hug. I whispered thank you into her hair. James suddenly came storming towards us. He grabbed lucy and maddy by the wrist as phil and i grabbed their other wrists. Joe and marcus suddenly broke through the glass and tried to pull them back as well.
'Stop! Stop! Everyone, freeze!' Lucy screamed, and surprisingly we all stopped pulling. She took a deep breath.
'James, you want me, right? You only hurt all of these amazing people to get a me and maddy. Now...if...if i come....with will you let my friends go? And i swear i will come with you.' She sighed, tears in her eyes.
'Lucy, no! James, have you no heart! You can't! Lucy, no!' Maddy screamed and pulled her best friend into a hug.
'Yes. Yes. If you come with me. You can bring one person with you. Only one, to witness...well witness what happens!' He chuckled. Lucy suddenly grabbed phil into a tight hug and gave him a quick but sweet kiss on the lips. I saw her whisper something into his ear. Tears crept into his eyes.
'Maddy, i...i want maddy..but nothing happens to her? Right? Or shes going with the others!' Lucy quivered.
'Im coming with you no matter what.' Maddy sighed back and quickly pulled me into a hug.
'486 943. I love you!' She whispered. I nodded and slowly let her go. We watched them follow james towards a door. As he opened it, we saw a bed and a small box of what looked like ballons. Odd shaped objects scattered the floors. Maddy gasped as they went in. I dropped to the floor as the door closed with a thud. Erin put her arm around me and the rest joined us on the floor. I sat crying for what felt like years. Suddenly seven body guards picked us all up and chucked us onto a deserted street. We struggled and fought but they were stronger. We looked behind us, but no door. No nothing. Just a white wall. No sign of them ever being there.

We all simultaneously started banging on the thick walls. Zoe started looking around with Joe. I started to yell at the wall. Maddy and Lucy needed to get out. Phil and Dan soon joined in whilst Erin and Marcus sat silently on the floor.
'MARK? Mark... Is that you?!' I heard a familiar voice shout. Bob! 'Yeah! Its me!' I shouted back, running to my best friends Bob and Wade.
'Where were you Mark? Its been a month! Your fans are going crazy!!' Bob exlaimed.
'A month?!' Zoë gasped along with Joe.
'Lets call the Police to let them know you are found!' Wade said and pulled out his phone. I was too sad to say shut up Wade so i let him. He walked away a bit whilst Bob looked at us in confusion.
'Why are you in London?? The interveiw was in the middle of nowhere..' he said quietly.
London..?' Marcus asked.
'Yeah. Me and Bob came back to the UK to look for Mark and our hotel isn't too far from here.. We heard shouting and it sounded like you so we called... and boy im glad i did!' He said sternly. Wade walked back over.
'An ambulance is coming to see if you are ok then the police will come.' He said.
'No! We...we are all fine. The police...i dont want! I just need lucy back...' Phil cried and started sobbing. Dan crouched next to him, trying to be comforting. I placed a hand on the wall and muttered maddys name under my breath. We all stood/sat in an uncomfortable silence until Wade broke it.
'Why were you banging on the wall Mark.' I stare at him coldly and he glanced to the floor before Erin spoke up.
'My, our, best friends Maddy and Lucy-Amber are still in there... Mark and Maddy are kinda a thing..but we we were taken and tortured and it was horrible and cruel and we need them. We need our friends back. And we are not leaving until we find them, right? Phil?' I saw Phils glossy eyes glisten as tears fell and he nodded at erin. I went to bang on the wall once more before we heard the sirens of an ambulance. We tried to run, but where would we go? I knew london as well as i knew the slendy forest-not well at all. I turned and saw our friends struggling to stay out of reach of the nurses and ambulance and police men. It was no use. I struggled and kicked but we all had no energy, no way of coping. We gradually were split up and taken in separate vehicles.

'You're good to go sir.' The doctor said, coming in from his other room.
'Thank you.' I murmered politely before leaving. I didnt even need to come here. It was pointless and did nothing, just wasted precious time to find maddy. Bob and Wade saw me leaving and ran up to me.
'Sorry Mark, listen, we have to go back to America... you too.' Bob said whilst tugging at my shoulders, making me face him.
'What? No, listen. Maddy is still in there somewhere! We have to find her!' I said shaking my head.
'Sorry. You have to.' Wade said
'Shut up Wade. I dont need to do anything except find maddy, for the last time. And im not resting until i find her and thats that!' i growled. They stared at me in shock.
'What happened to you in there??' Bob said.
'Im fine!' was my only response before a strong hand was placed across my mouth and i fell asleep. Sh*t.

'AHH!' I shouted, bolting upright. I was... in my bed? What? Maddy! I sprang to my computer and straight away on google was the news. The headline was 'FAMOUS YOUTUBERS FOUND' and there was no mention of maddy or lucy missing. I sighed in my chair just before a happy woofy dog came bounding in.
'CHICA!!' I yelled and cuddle my dog quickly before leaping up. I will find maddy. I walked down to find Bob.
'How did i get here bob!' I said. He looked to the floor.
'It was the only way Mark.... we took you whilst you were sleeping.'
I silently walked upstairs and called the number maddy had given me. Straight to answer phone. I sighed and tried again. Answer machine. I tried Joe Sugg. Answer phone. I called Zoe Sugg. Answer phone. Marcus, Erin and Phil. Answer phone. Last hope. I called Dan.
'Hello?' He said, his voice trembling like he was scared or had just been crying. '
Dan! Are you ok..? Any news on..' I found myself struggling on saying the words.
'No... sorry mark. Phil has locked himself in his room. Im in need of company, its been three days. Still in England?' He asked. Three days? Maddy!! I must find her but first.
'Im bookin tickets now!' I said and ended the call.

Hey, so hope everybody is enjoying it so far! The next chapters are going to be just maddy and me i think, but not sure yet, with little snippets of the others at the end of each chapters! So hopefully you will enjoy! If you have any suggestions or ideas we would love to hear them in the comments! Thank you to maddy who again wrote the second half of this (when they're at the wall) and please go follow her! ReAdEr495 go follow all of the other people mentioned in other chapters/my followers. Thank you for reading, i luv you all!
Lar xxx

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