Chapter 10

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So a little more drama in this chapter...hope you all enjoy it!

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It wasn't long until Mr Colin Black came to claim his dance from Lavinia and Charles grudgingly allowed her to be led onto the dance floor after giving her a pointed look to remind her to let him know the moment she felt ill. Caleb was still away with Judith and he hoped that Mr Black would look after his sister while he could seek out a dance partner.

"You look brilliant, dearest Lavinia," Colin said in a low voice, bending down towards her ear.

She blushed slightly but pulled away a little feeling uncomfortable. "Thank you Colin, you look well yourself," she replied politely.

He stood across from her as the music began. She felt a little lightheaded still and her cheek throbbed but she ignored it and tried to focus on the dance and avoiding Colin's feet. His dancing was acceptable and certainly better than a few others but he had a tendency to come too close to her.

"I am glad you seem recovered Lavinia," Colin remarked as soon as they were close enough to speak.

"I am well, thank you," Lavinia replied, beginning to feel like all she did was reassure people of her health.

"I was beginning to be afraid of being alone for the first dance since I had reserved it for you as promised."

Not remembering any promise to him for any dance, Lavinia was confused but afraid of seeming stupid she simply smiled and nodded and remarked on the general splendour of the ball and they kept that conversation for the rest of the dance. He continued to compliment her and her family at every opportunity making Lavinia feel flattered however uncomfortable. What had she done to encourage him? She had simply been polite.

As the dance ended she looked around, searching for her brother or Caleb to escort her away from Colin. Caleb was nowhere to be seen and Charles was on the other side of the room speaking to a pretty young debutante that Lavinia recognised as Miss Kelly, one of Judith's friends. She had no other option but to be led by Colin off the dancefloor. She was feeling rather fatigued from the dance but did not want to alert her brother.

"I am feeling rather warm, I would like to go outside," she told Colin. He immediately smiled that made her even less comfortable.

She clearly wanted to be alone with him and outside was the most private place, he thought. He wanted to talk to her anyway so he led her out, choosing to walk towards a more private area surrounded by trees.

"You cannot be without suspicion of my marked attention to you Lavinia," he began, causing her to look up in surprise at him. A deep blush was crossing her face as she realised what he had just said. "I see you are surprised, let me explain."

He sat her down on a bench, sheltered by the trees. Her feelings of unease increased as she realised that she was out, unchaperoned, away from any others with a man who already put her on edge. But he was a gentleman, was he not? He would not do anything to compromise her reputation.

"From the moment I first met you I was certain there was a spark. Our similarity in opinion on the most important subjects of books, poetry, art and music made me feel that we were just perfect for each other and seeing you tonight, in your white ball gown, made me realise that that is exactly the way I want to see you in three months after our courtship. Walking down the aisle towards me at the altar."

Lavinia could only sit there stunned at his forwardness. Courtship? Marriage? She did not know this man. She knew it was rude but she had to get away before anything more occurred. Standing up she said, "I apologise, sir, if I have seemed to reciprocate any feelings for you. I assure you it was unconsciously done. I was merely looking for a friend to help me throughout my first season, not a husband. Good evening."

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