Chapter 16 - The Changes

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A Waltons Story

(The Waltons Fan Fiction)

By: Kristi N. Zanker

 Disclaimer: All publicly recognized characters, settings, etc. are the property of Lorimar Productions and Warner Bros. Television. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. I, in no way am associated with the owners, creators, or producers of The Waltons. No copyright infringement is intended.


The Changes

The neighborhood looked the same. It was as if he’d never left. Had it only been nearly a year since he began writing for the Stars and Stripes newspaper? Yes, only a year. John-Boy slowly walked down the street he lived on, trying to grasp everything. He wanted to surprise Daisy, who had no idea of his short homecoming. Lucky, he thought to himself. The men who hadn’t received enough points had to stay and train for war—again—this time in the Pacific. He felt blessed to have a week off from his assignment. He didn’t really know what his next assignment would be. The war in Europe was over. It had been over for nearly three months now. The August sun beat down on him as he stood at the end of the stoop, contemplating whether to climb the steps or not.

He thought back to the last time he stood before this building. It had been the day he left for his assignment overseas. The taxi had idled in the street while he captured a sentimental moment with his wife and Melissa. It seemed like an eternity ago. It had only been a year since he left. And yet, the world seemed to be a different place. Blue and Gold Stars hung in many windows on their street. People walked the streets just as they had before. Cars rode down like before, but everything was different. He didn’t feel like he did before he left. He felt like he was fifty years old.

Three little girls ran past him down the sidewalk, each pulling a jump rope behind them. One of the girls looked like Melissa. John-Boy didn’t say hello, he didn’t want to interrupt the fun with her friends. The curly blonde girl was slightly taller and her hair tumbled to her waist. A braid winded its way down her back, as she ran. He wondered if Daisy had fixed her hair like that. He took one step at a time.

After the first door shut behind him, John-Boy realized he did not have a key. He had given it to Daisy before he left. He rang the bell and then heard footsteps. He saw as his wife came down the stairs, with a flashing grin on her face. She opened the door and pulled him inside. Once they were up the flight of stairs, John-Boy gave her big hug, and then kissed her tenderly. They were so preoccupied with one another that they did not hear their neighbor say "excuse me,” for they were blocking the door. They both looked up and smiled.

“Was that Melissa out there playing with those children?” asked John-Boy, as they entered the apartment.

“Yes,” Daisy said, closing and locking the door behind her.

“I’ve been gone so long I didn’t almost recognize her! She didn’t know who I was.”

“It’s okay. She remembers you! We talk about you and she knows who you are. She'll remember, I promise.”

He looked around the apartment, thinking that it was smaller compared to what he remembered. Still, it was good to be home.

“I know one person who would be very happy to see you,” said Daisy.

“Millie?” asked John-Boy.

She nodded as they both headed to her door and knocked.

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