Chapter 21 - The News

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A Waltons Story

(The Waltons Fan Fiction)

By: Kristi N. Zanker

 Disclaimer: All publicly recognized characters, settings, etc. are the property of Lorimar Productions and Warner Bros. Television. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. I, in no way am associated with the owners, creators, or producers of The Waltons. No copyright infringement is intended.


The News

That next evening, after dinner, John-Boy walked over to Jenny’s. He felt more at ease going to see her, now that he had told everyone in his family that she was here. He also reminded them that there was nothing special between he and Jenny; they were only friends. He went on to say he had some business to take care of in New York and explained that it was completely over between him and Daisy. He said his goodbye’s to everyone before heading to Jenny’s.

John-Boy saw her smile at him as she opened the door. Then, it quickly faded.

“What’s wrong?” asked Jenny.

“I have to go back to New York tomorrow morning. I don’t know if I’ll be back.”

She fell into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He in turn, hugged her back. When they pulled apart, both went over to the sofa and sat down. He told her that his family would help her out with anything she needed. She kept shaking her head, saying, “No, you can’t go.”

“Jenny, we may feel this way now, but we can’t act upon our emotions at a time like this. It wouldn’t be right; you and I both know that. I wish I could snap my fingers and everything bad would go away, but it isn’t like that.”

“I didn’t know it would be like this either.”

“Jenny, you’re a wonderful person and a great friend to me and my family. I would like to keep it that way for now, just until things settle down for us. We really don’t know each other now. So much has happened.”

“I know….our lives are heading in different directions. I have to get back to Richmond and you have to head back to New York.”

The two sat there and talked for three hours, of memories and thoughts, and their feelings for another. John-Boy kept reminding her that it can’t happen. It was a different time now. Before he left, the two embraced for one last time.

John-Boy hated to leave her. He could still hear her sobbing as he walked from her house and wanted to run back and….no, he couldn’t. Someone couldn’t fall in love only in a few days? Could they? No, it just wasn’t possible. Whirlwind romances and marriages, along with the war were gone, according to John-Boy. As he walked back to the Walton house for the last time, he thought about when he was seventeen and in love with Jenny Pendleton. He was just a kid then. It wasn’t real love, even though it felt like it. And it can’t be now. With the way things were at that moment, he didn’t want to hurt anyone else.


John-Boy quickly found another apartment in his old building. While Daisy was out during the day, he went in and moved his things. He didn’t have a lot, just some clothes, and his typewriter. He didn’t care about anything else. Daisy could have it. As he was carrying boxes out to the hallway, Millie saw him and two chatted for a bit. She knew what was going on, but wished he wasn’t leaving. She asked if he had any furniture and he said he did. But she could see right through him. Following her into her apartment, Millie gave John-Boy a cot, with a mattress, plus a small nightstand. It was all she had right now. He thanked her profusely and she went on to say that if he needed anything, he should come to see her.

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