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Okay guys so now is the time to reveal how old I am -cue mysterious music- DUNDUNDUUUUUUUUUN XD. So i just wanna say those were some pretty good guesses but....YOU WEREN'T EVEN CLOSE! XD Lol okay guys, now the time you've all been waiting for *drumroll* I............................. Am...........................................................................................................................................13! yupp 13 years old ^_^ haha! I can't believe it right, I'm surprise myself. I mean you though I was 15-17 years old one of you even said 18 -_-! Does my writing really make me seem that old? OH GOD YOU THOUGHT I WAS OLD DX!!!!! (any age above mine I think are old :/ sorry mom!) But anyway, good guesses guys even though a few did. But if you wanted the answer you should've Just asked @gisselle_loves_you she was gonna tell you anyway -_- but I stopped her because it would take the fun out of guessing. And Nii-San if your reading this....Yo devilish ass >:@!!!!! *^▁^* okay guys that's it for today, Oh and I'm working on a new requests. So request cause meh brain not comprehending right now -_- DON'T HATE MEEEH X'C!!! Also @Smileyworld233 I'm righting your request now hun! Well that's all I guys.............................................Yuppies! That's all! Well Kitty-Chan outta hur ;) see ya lovelies!!!


~Mrs. Uzumaki ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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