Chapter 17: Where Are You?!

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Chapter 17: Where Are You?!

[Dalton's P.O.V.]

What is going on with Brady!? He's going insane! I'm very lucky that I have fast reflexes because if I didn't, I would be dead right now, or most likely knocked out cold. All I did was prove that I was Katherine's date for that night and apparentlt Brady wasn' too happy about that. He charged at me and I ducked and punched him in the stoomach. He reacted a little but quickly fought back by punching my in the mouth. I fell backwards and Dana helped me back up. A lot of punches were thrown and when Brady charged at me again, Dana and I tripped him, making him land on the table behind us. The fight ended by Brady being pulled bak by his friends and telling me that the fight wasn't over. I guess that he was trying to scare me but it didn't work. I had a cut on my lip and a black eye and that was it. Elena was helping me when I started to look around, but I could't find Katherine. I walk up to the table with Elena beside me. Tyler and Rachel were just talking when I walked up.

"Hey Tyler, have you seen Katherine anywhere.?" I ask.

"Last time I saw her was wiith Brady, when he threw her to the ground to face you." He responds.

"Why? What's wrong?" Rachel asks.

"I can't find her. Do you think she went to the car?" I ask.

"Maybe, but why would she?" Rachel asks.

"Probably to get away from Brady." Tyler speaks up.

"I'll go check outside. I'll be back." I tell them, then walk through the door.

I walk outside and look around. She is nowhere in sight. Where could she be? I sigh and turn around to walk back inside when I step on something. I look down and see a necklace on the ground. I pick it up and examin it. It's in the shape if a star and filled in with little diamonds. It's a very simple but pretty design. It's probably not Katherine's though. Knowing her, she would have something big and sparkly, not small and elegant. The latch is broken and one point of the star is chipped but I'm not sure how that happened. I turn it over to look at the back of it... and see something that I never thought I would see. The name Katherine engraved into it. What is going on? If this is Katherine's, then where is Katherine? If the latch is broken, it probably fell off...but how? I think she is in danger. I put the necklace in my pocket and run back inside to find Dana at the doorway, talking to some people. I grab his arm and pull him aside.

"Dude! What was that for!?" Dana says annoyed.

"I think Katherine is in trouble." I say immediatly.

"No she's not, Brady left." He says, brushing me off and starting to walk away from me.

"No she really is!" I shout, pulling him back so he will listen me.

"Dude, I wanna get back to Rachel and the party!" He says, really annoyed.

"i found this outside on the ground. The latch is broken and the star is chipped." I explain, pulling out the necklace from my pocket and giving it to Dana to examin.

"How do you know it's hers?" He questions.

"Turn it around." I state.

He truns the star over and his eyes go big with shock.

"Her name is engraved on the back of it." I state.

"Dana, Have you seen Josh anywhere?" A girl by the name of Stephanie comes up to Dana and asks.

"Wait, Josh Bulmer?" I interupt.

"Yea." She confirms.

"No I haven't seen him." Dana responds to her.

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