(39) Flour

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Is it because I love you guys so much?!


Thank you guys for everything! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Enjoy 😊


Waking up is always a great thing. It just means that we're still alive.

That we have every chance of correcting our mistakes, making new memories, and do new stuff.

Waking up is not something everyone can do, and that's what I want to do right now. Specifically, to the guy in my flat's kitchen doing whatever he is doing that is creating noise pollution

"CHARLIE FUDGING LANGSTON!" I screamed as I run out of my room and straight to our kitchen. "What are you doing?!"

The look on Charlie's face was like a deer caught in headlights, making me want to awe out loud, but since I'm angry because he woke me up with metal bangings, never mind.

"V-V-Vanch..." He stuttered out, "I-I-I was..." He looked around, "Doing nothing."

"Doing nothing?" I fumed out as my eyes navigate the room.

Baking pans were everywhere, Charlie was covered with flour -actually, the whole room was covered with flour, and there were cracked raw eggs lying on the floor.

He was baking.

"Charlie..." I growled out, trying to remind myself that the kitchen wasn't the only one who looks like a mess, so does myself.

I mean, I was sleeping peacefully until someone decided to bang baking pans around the house, or the kitchen, or whatever.

"Look," I sneered out, "You better be giving me a million-dollar smile with a million-dollar answer on why you woke me up..."

"Because of... of... this!" And with that, he threw a pack of flour in my face.

No, not the flour itself, but the pack of the flour itself.

His eyes widened and opened his mouth to apologize when we heard the doorbell rung.

"I'm getting it," I muttered angrily before turning around.

"Wait, no! I'm getting it!" He ran in front of me with flour trailing behind him.

"No, I'm getting it." I scoffed and faced him, "I'm not the one getting inside the oven."

"I'm not going inside the oven-"

"You would be if you're going to continue blocking my way." I snapped at him.

Don't mess with a person who just woke up.

He frowned at me, "But you really look like poop."

I snapped my mouth shut and dragged him toward the door. If I'm going down, I'm going down with him. Vice versa too.

"Morning!" I grinned as I opened the door. But immediately shut it close when I saw who it was.

"HEY VANCH! OPEN UP!" Gabriel screamed, making me bang my head at Charlie's left shoulder.

What is he doing here?

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