Chapter 11

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Steeljaw felt something bite his neck, jerking him awake, "Gahh! What the Pit?" He looked around to find the others slowly waking up as well, "Where are we?"

"I'm not sure. What I want to know is, who bit me in the aft? Ah, that shit hurt," Thunderfoof says in frustration.

Mova was leaning against the cave wall, "It was the only place I could reach," she replied in a bored tone.


"We are the Quiver," Naja explained with a grin as she slithered up to Steeljaw, "And don't bother trying to essscape, Mova's venom still has you boys paralyzed. Not to worry, we won't let you die," she chuckled as he petted Steeljaw's helm.

"What do you want with us?" Steeljaw growls.

"Nothing much, we just want to play. You guys look like you'd be fun," Rinkha chirped.

"What kind of "play" are you referring to?" Bumblebee asked with a firm tone.

"You'll see," Naja crooned as her tail wrapped around Bumblebee's leg. She chuckled with delight as she flicked the tip against the mech's interface panel.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he tried to move back but with no success.

"Just relax," she shushed as the pattern on her stomach started to glow. "Just relax, everything will be fine," she whispered into his audio receptor. Bumblebee suddenly felt calm and relaxed.

"There's a good boy. Rinkha, Mova, take your pick," Naja said as she moved closer to Steeljaw.

Steeljaw growled at her, "There's only one femme I release my spike for and that's my mate!"

"Is that right? Does anyone else here have a mate?" She asked as she scratched him behind his ears.

He growled while trying to move his helm, "Don't touch my ears!"

"Why would I do that?" She asked sarcastically, using both servos to scratch behind each ear, "Besides, you're too cute."

"I only melt into my mate's touches, and don't call me cute!" He says with a growl.

"Found the other one that has a mate," Mova announced, "And he's boring."

"Oh? Who?"

"This guy," she replied pointing to Thunderhoof.

"Get off me!" Rinkha was leaning on him from behind.

"Don't like me leaning on you?"

"If I could move I would kick your scaly tail."

"Ha! Don't make me laugh."

"Got the others relaxed," Mova informed, "Just need to get these two. Even if we can't do anything to them, we could see what they could do to us," she said with a smile.

"Like what!?" Steeljaw asked with a growl.


Watching from a safe distance, Laserbeak was replaying everything to Soundwave, "Laserbeak found the others," the silent mech played as he hovered over them.

"Where?" Strongarm asked. Coming to a stop, Soundwave transformed and landed before replaying what Laserbeak had seen. They will have to proceed with caution, especially if the enemy has control over Bumblebee and the others. "That glitch is trying to seduce my mate!? Oh, she is so dead!"

"Let's keep moving, you can tear them apart when we get there. Fixit, do you have Metalsound's location?" Ultra Magnus asked the Mini-Con.

"Affirmative, she's a few paces ahead of you."

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