Chatper 13

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Staring me down he waited for my reaction, but to be honest he wasn't getting one. Not only was I shocked but I for once was terrified. I could feel the slow burn of his green eyes as the burned into my own. Just how could someone speak so vulgarly and yet still remain proper?

"Alpha." It was Darin and Ara was by his side, turning to look at them I watched as Jason took a step away from me and towards them.

"What is it?" Jason asked but there was a hint of annoyance too it, I couldn't tell what the emotion was behind Ara's eyes as she looked at me but she stood proud by her mates side.

"Ella's alpha is here. He wants a word with you." My eyes shot up maybe he could get me home, or at least away from here, but I knew better he was a male and almost all males of power were the same. "Just with you." Darin finished and at that I knew that he wasn't there to help me. I watched as Darin and Jason walked away from us and left me and Ara together.

"You're in trouble." She spoke to me, I watched as she looked around, furrowing my eyebrows I wait for her to continue. "When was your last heat Ella." At her statement my eyes widened, oh god no. Looking her in the eyes she knew that I didn't realize just how soon it was.

"I don't even think that the alpha knows it. But it defiantly has his wolf on edge." Ara was speaking to me but I wasn't so sure I could focus in on her words too much, my mind was reeling, thinking of ways I'll need to hide my sent, stay unnoticed. It wasn't until it clicked in my head that I already had been notice, I've been chosen and now shared a small bond with the alpha king, he was the strongest wolf out there how could he not notice it if I even tried to hide it

"Come on we're going." Looking back to her I raise my eye brows in question. Watching my reaction she sighs before turning towards me fully. "I'm taking you away from here, your wolves might be ready to mate but the kingdom is not. It would be a total shock if the king unveiled you to the kingdom and have you pregnant. Do you know how many would question it?" Ara's expiation rang in my ears she was right. Our wolves would want this but the kingdom need to know of who I was first, I could see the out come of not following Ara's plan, there could be uprising, rebellions, the walls of trust the kingdom has of the king would be questioned. Not to mention I wasn't ready either although Ara didn't mention that.

"Alright so where are we going?" I had to at least get this information from her.

"We're moving you to a smaller cabin just out side the border, it's well hidden and the king doesn't know we're moving you."

Gasping and turning to look at her I have her an are you serious look. "And what do you suppose he will do once he realizes I'm gone? He will kill you Ara."

"Oh stop over exaggerating Ella, I'll be fine we just have to make sure he stays away for the next week."  Her words hit home with me, a week with out arguing with that stubborn man, away from that egotistical ass hole, a week were I can still be my self.

"Okay fine so when do we leave."

"Now." And with that Ara started dragging me by the hand, going out the back of the castle to where a group of men swarmed around the awaiting car. "Get in" she insisted as one of the men opened the door, climbing into the back Ara sat next to me and the SUV pushed off.  

Not even five minutes into the drive there was a ear deafening howl. "Shit. We must hurry." Ara said and the driver obeyed pushing his foot harder on the gas. "He's on to us." She continued as she looked out the back window, "he's realizing now what's happening to you."

I couldn't speak as I just closed my eyes and waited for the car to come to a dead stop because of  a certain ass hole of a king stoping us, but that never happened, instead the car contained to drive on for about another hour before stoping.

"Come on Ella we have to get you to the cabin." Following her orders I hoped out of the car and so did the other men. Walking I could see a small but homey looking cabin coming into view. But we never reached it as just as we were getting to it there was an attack.

I watched as swarms of wolves circled us and soon it was teeth against teeth, every one was fighting I had to help but as I was about to shift I was pulled back by the collar of my shirt. Not bringing able to see my attacker in time before a rag was pressed over my nose and mouth. A harsh smell tracking up my sensitive nose, burnin its way down my air ways before everything went black. 

Sorry again for the late up date you guys but here is the new chapter I hope you guys like it! Please vote, comment, share and follow! I love hearing what you have to say! Thanks again!

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