Dick-Wad Risks.

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"CUTESY" My phone screeched while I laid in my bed, trying to keep the little warmth I had. It was getting colder in the night, dropping from the usual seventies to the fifties. Again, I hate the heat but I also hate freezing to death.

Breaking the tightly wrapped blanket out of its tight hold, my hand grabbed my phone. There was a notification that someone messaged me.

LoveFigher: Yo.

Not going to lie, my heart twitched in my chest. Not because of a heart attack or anything, but because of excitement. I wanted to talk to him all day but I didn't know if I would be coming off too strong. The last thing I wanted to do was scare him off.

Me: Hey, what's up?

LoveFighter: Not much, just trying to sleep.

Me: Having trouble?

LoveFighter: Yeah.

Me: Same.

LoveFighter: Hm... would you rather fight a zombie or a vampire?

I paused. It wasn't like the question freaked me out or anything, something like that didn't freak me out. It was just such a hard question that took some thought.

Me: Bruh, you can't just ask such a vague question. What kind of zombies are we talking about here? Because if they're from 28 days later then vampires but only if they're from Twilight. But if the vampires are like the ones from 30 days of night, then I would have to go with the zombies.

LoveFighter: Have you thought this through before?

Me: ...Maybe. What about you?

LoveFighter: As much as I love them, I would have to fight a zombie.

Me: You like zombies?

LoveFighter: Love them. I actually have a zombie tattoo.

My heart thumped erratically at the knowledge of him having tattoos. Thorin had tattoos but then again the only time Thorin made my heart thump it was because of the anger that he caused me. The dumb-dumb went out of his way to make friends with my mom and have her drool over him. She even lifted the ban on me and him.

Me: Can I see it?

As soon as I sent the message, my phone was smothered by a mixture of my ass and my blanket. Okay, I know that guys have asked for pictures of me, but I never asked for one. And I was nervous that I was asking for too much. What if he didn't want to and then called me a weird stalker for asking one of a tattoo?

I didn't know how boy's minds worked.

"Cutesy!" The voice went off with a vibration that ignited underneath my butt. Two vibrations went off, making me nearly jump up.

Quickly, I rummaged through the blankets that decided to have some type of hurricane underneath me and washed my phone away from their deep purple folds. The vibration kept going off and the want of finding the phone grew. My claws went at the sheets, throwing them off, including my fluffy pillow that thudded against the floor. The bed slightly creaked when I moved onto my knees, lifting my ass into the air and continued to look for the phone.

Somehow, I didn't know, maybe the Satanists finally have conjured up something that was able to create a vortex that took my phone and spat it back out at the end of my bed. A little crack came out of my back as I twisted my spine to attack the phone. Collapsing my knees, I rested on my elbows.

I pressed the button on the side on my phone as my heart began to race. It was hard not to, what if the guy was sending me pictures of something that I had no desire to see? What if it was something that was going to make go to prison because it was illegal? How would I explain that to my mom? 'Oh yeah, by the way, I'm going to jail because of this guy I met online decided to show me this and now I'm part of a drug cartel operation.' I didn't think she would like that.

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