Chapter 18

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Last night was great. I was laying in Zayns arms. He held me like I was fragile. Like I would just break or leave. My head was tucked under his chin.

My head was pressed against his chest so I could hear his heartbeat. I looked up at Zayn to see him sound asleep. He was so handsome. How did I get so lucky.

In a matter of two months I found people that love me as much as my mother does. His face looked so peaceful. He had a stubble which made him look the cutest.

His eyes fluttered open an I gave him a smile. "Enjoying the view?" He smiled.

"Always." I smiled pecking his lips. He intertwined our fingers under the covers rubbing circles on my hand. "What time is it??" I asked.

"7:10" he said looking at the alarm clock. "We should get ready. We have school." I said trying to break free from his arm but they tightened.

"No. I don't wanna go." He said burying his nose into my neck. "Zayn." I yelled out with a laugh. "Zayn." I called warningly. He sighed letting go.

"I'll take a shower first." I said. "Or we could take a shower together to save water." Zayn said.

I rolled my eyes. " Zayn." I said looking at him in disgust. He had a stupid smirk on his face. I pushed him off the bed running to the bathroom locking the door.

I heard a bang on the door. "This isn't over princess." He said through the door.

"Ohh it's not." I smirked to myself. I stripped taking a shower.

After taking a shower. I opened the room door to see no one. My bags were in the corner of the room along with all my shoes.

I picked an outfit putting it on. I faced Zayn's mirror checking my reflection. Perfect. My hair was in a tight bun. I made sure strands weren't falling out.

I made my make up light going down stairs I saw Zayn sitting at the island eating a bowl of cereal. When he looked up his jaw dropped.

"Wow!" He said. "Why are you so freaking cute?" He said. I lightly laughed rolling my eyes.

To my surprise he was dressed. Hair and everything. God he's a Greek god. I made myself a bowl of cereal sitting in front of him .

I checked the time on my phone to see that it was 8:00. I hurriedly ate my breakfast. "I'll be right back I'll get our bookbags. I nodded while he went upstairs.

His phone was on the table an it buzzed. It was ringing. The caller I.D name was Bethany. I quickly looked away when Zayn came back into the room looking at my phone.
I had 4 missed calls. One from my mother, 2 from Lucy and 1 from Beth.

I checked my messages to see that Lucy texted me.

Lulu: plz!! I need you to come you'll have fun.
Lulu: Meet me at school. I'll bee at school with Beth.
Me: No . You'll have fun and okay.

"Ready?" Zayn asked and I nodded. I wasn't gonna ask him why Bethany was calling because we are just good friends who expressed how we feel about each other.

I'm not his girlfriend and I know he doesn't do relationships. I smiled nodding. He smiled back.

We walked out his apartment while he locked up. We hopped into his car. I didn't speak for the whole ride. I kept my head phones in listening to music.

When the car pulled into the schools parking lot. I hurriedly hop out running into school. I head straight to Lucy's locker. "Hey." I said with a smile.

Lucy embraced me into a hug. "Seems like I haven't seen you in centuries." She smiled sadly. "So.. tell me everything with you and Zayn." She clapped.

Beth was texting away on her phone. I looked at Beth trying to get out of this but Beth only gave me a blank stare before smiling.

"Lu. Look were gonna be late for first period." Beth said pulling her.

"Wait." Lucy yelled but Beth never let go. I closed Lucy's locker walking to mines.

I pulled out he books I needed for the day. I walked to my first class as the bell rang. Great. Another boring day at school.

It was now lunch. I managed to get all my work done. I was aiming for a great college. I really wanted to go to Colombia.

I was heading to lunch when someone draped there hand over my shoulders. I turned my head to see Zac.

"You know you could love me more babe. " He smirked. "I'm sorry I didn't get back to you I was training with Zayn." I said.

"Well I was spying on that guy and turns out with your training he can't beat Zayn." He said.

Zander came up behind us kissing my cheek. " Hey." I said. "Zac's right.. He's ass." He said high fiving Zac.

"Zac how many girls you slept with at the party??" Zander asked and I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"5, all fat ass." He smirked. "Ewww. When are you guys less disgusting." I scoffed in disgust.

They both kissed my cheek chuckling. We pushed open the cafeteria door entering. We went to our usual table to see Lucy, Beth and Zayn arguing well mostly Lucy and Zayn.

"Beth tell him he's stupid and a jerk." Lucy scoffed. "What are you guys arguing over?" I asked.

"Sandals.." Beth said with a blank expression. We all burst into laughter. Great Lu. Just great.

Lunch was perfect. I knew how much they all loved me and how much I did.

This was destiny. The day ended. I was at my locker with Beth. "You guys kissed??" She said in amazement. I nodded smiling.

"I knew it. I knew he liked you." She smiled. I told Beth everything that happened between Zayn and I. Turns out she and Beth knew we were gonna like each other.

Right now I wish I had my mom to share this with. She always thought I would end up with cats but let's just see.

Limitless #2017StarLightAwardWhere stories live. Discover now