Phan The Walking Dead AU

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AN: I got this idea after watching the walking dead and honestly it's my best Idea yet I think. :) hope you enjoy btw there is some mature language and graphic words..bloop

"Dan, Chris, Connor, you lot go and get some food, I think I saw a few stops down the road from here..I'll stay behind and get water from the stream to purify while Louise, Zoe, and Hannah clean clothes. Everyone clear? good, lets get a move on." Leader Dani ordered.

My name is [Dan]. The year is 2009, and all hell has broken loose. My friends and I are just barely surviving, If you could call them that.


I sat in front of the old, torn piano and sighed. I got nothing. I was supposed to write a song for my drama class this week, but procrastination got the best of me and I was scraping the bottom of the barrol for creativety. Love songs were too cliche these days and up beat fast paced songs were not my cup of tea when it came to piano.

My thoughts were interupted by a faint knock at my door. "Dan you lazy arse, get outta bed and come down to the lounge!" My best mate Chris yelled. He sounded excited about something but I wasn't sure what exactly. Frankly I wasn't going to get anything done anyway so I let my curiosity win and went down stairs to see this thing that had him excited.

As I was walking down I heard loads of chatter, was everyone awake? at this hour?

I peered around the corner into the lounge of our dorms to see everyone from our section of the building gather round. "Dan, you won't believe it! They canceled classes for a whole week cause apparently someone went around biting people in the school, come look!" Chris rushed excitedly as he grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the telly.

"After some conspiculation, police have finally let us in on what exactly has been going on here tonight at this local Manchester University. Sir can you tell us what you saw?"

"I saw a man, he looked sickly ill, somewhat dead actually, he had blood d-dripping from his mouth, a-and he was eating..another man! I ran as fast as I could but..he was so quick..h-he nipped me but I got away b-before.."

I and everyone around me watched as the man began to lash out at the woman. He looked like death, just like how he described the man that bit him. The police tackled him towards the ground without saying another word, the cameraman signed off, causing the news forecasters to continue on with a story on bankruptcy. This was crazy. I looked around to see everyone wasn't all that cheery about no school for a week. To be honest, I wasn't all that hyped about it either.

The next day I woke up in a cold sweat as I shot my eyes through the room, trying to make sense of what was going on. I glanced around to see the window letting in sunlight as I viewed my room. It was trashed. The curtains were ripped to shreds, my desk was broken in pieces and my piano..looked the same. What the hell was going on. I threw the covers off of me and darted down stairs were I was met with only six other people who lived in the building. As soon as Chris saw me he came rushing up to me and gave me a hug.

"Chris, what the hell is going on?" I ask in annoyance. He looked at me sympathetically as if he didn't know what to say. That's a first.

"Mate..look out the window.." The only american guy who went to our school, Connor, said. I walked over to the now boarded up window and immediately held back vomit. Outside in the streets was..rotting people..walking! The were eating people and there were remains spilled all over the ground. I saw a woman still crawling through the grass as her lower intestines dragged along in the streets. I looked back to the six people in the room with me and was happily greeted with a bucket to vomit in. I choked back sobs as I vomited. My family, they were probably dead too, my friends back home..gone.

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