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"I want a yes or no, Becky. That's all."

"Alright... Yes." Becky admitted, feeling a lump in her throat, "I do love him."

Corey squeezed his eyes shut. He really didn't want that to be her answer, "Jesus Christ, Becky."

"Corey, I'm sorry!" she tried going up to the man but he pushed her hands off of him.

"Don't fucking touch me." he calmly told her. Corey didn't even have it in him to be angry anymore. As much as he denied it, part of him knew that Becky was somewhat in love with Finn Bálor. Now she confirmed it and Corey wished he could have just lived in ignorant bliss, instead of having to know the truth.

Becky felt so awful. Tears were welding up in her husband's eyes, as well as her own. She had just broke his heart. "I don't know what else to tell you."

"You've said enough."

"Please don't be angry with me." she begged with guilt in her voice.

"I'm not angry with you."

"Don't say dissapointed either."

"Not even that." Corey bit his bottom lip and ran his hands through his hair as he sat on the edge of the bed. He had no idea how else to react to this news. Seriously though. How do you even respond to your wife saying she's in love with the man she cheated on you with? Instead of blaming Becky for her feelings, there was something different going around in Corey's mind. Guilt. "If I would have payed more attention to you, could all of this have been avoided?"

Becky sat beside him, placing her hand on his lap, "Don't you dare think for one second that this is your fault. I was the one who-"

"I cheated on you, Becky!" Corey had kept this secret for far too long and couldn't let Becky carry all the guilt. "After you and I got into a fight, I drove to a pub. There was a girl... I wasn't drunk either when I agreed to sleep with her." Becky moved her hand off of his lap, "I guess this is what I get for going behind your back."

Becky scoffed, "This whole time you let all of my guilt eat me alive when you did the same thing?" she stood up and walked to the other side of the room, not even wanting to be next to Corey, "How could you do that to me?"

"It's different, okay." he argued.

"How is it different?" Becky raised her voice, accidentally waking the sleeping baby.

"I never got that chick pregnant! I never fell in love with her! Because that's not what a one night stand is! Something that you obviously don't seem to know!"

Becky slapped the taste out of Corey's mouth. "You have some nerve, y'know that?" At this point Cassius was shrieking in the other room. Becky clasped her hands over her ears, "Can you please take care of your son, instead of just standing there!"

"Oh, so now he's my son, right? Why don't you call up Finn and see if he wants to take care of it."

"You're unbelievable!" Becky grabbed her purse and stomped to the door. Corey blocked her from leaving, "Get out of the way." she demanded.

"So you're just going to walk away while Cassius is crying for you?"

"You're his father, you take care of it." she growled, trying to reach for the knob. Corey smacked her hand away from it. "Who do you think you are?!"

"You're husband! The one trying to keep you from walking out on me again! You think I don't know where you're going to go if I let you walk out that door."

"Don't worry, I won't let him fuck me again without protection this time." Becky sarcastically answered before shoving her way past Corey and slamming the door behind her. She wanted to get under Corey's skin for making her feel guilty. Too bad she wasn't in the room to see what she caused. Corey was livid to the point where he wanted to break everything in the room.
-Another Hotel-

One Night (Corey Graves x Becky Lynch x Finn Bálor)Where stories live. Discover now