Chapter 4

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As the three of them sat on the train, Char looked at Ed. "So, where are we going?" she asked.

"To Central. I want to check a couple of things at the library there."

"Cool! So...Explain to me why he has to come?" asked Char, looking at the giant man sitting opposite them, his bulging muscles taking up a lot of the space. He looked at Char and she grimaced, backing away a bit as he leant towards her.

"My name is Alex Louise Armstrong! I am the Strong Arm Alchemist! The Colonel has requested that I accompany young Edward Elric to Central as a killer named Scar is on the loose, and he is targeting State Alchemists! When we arrive, he will be guarded by Second Leiutenant Maria Ross and Sergeant Denny Brosh! It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Charleen!"

He took Char's hand and shook it, crushing her hand involuntarily. When he finally let go she gasped with pain and tried to shake some feeling back into it. "N-Nice to meet you, Mr Armstrong," she said hesitantly, trying a slight smile. When he leant towards her again she squeaked and attempted to hide behind Ed, despite the fact he was sitting beside her.

When they got off the train, they were greeted by two other people. "Good day, sirs, miss. My name is Maria Ross. I will be protecting the Fullmetal Alchemist and his affiliates until either the killer, Scar, is caught, or until you leave Central," one of them greeted, saluting smartly.

"I'm Denny Brosh. I will also be protecting you," the other one added, saluting..not so smartly.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Alphonse Elric, and this is my older brother Edward. This is Charleen, who is under the protection of Edward," Al introduced politely.

"Wait..that small boy is the Fullmetal Alchemist?" asked Denny in surprise, then grimaced as Ed looked at him.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PIPSQUEAK!?!" he shouted, leaping at him.

"But I didnt..." Denny began before Ed was on him, pounding him. Maria, Al and Char shared a glance.

"I'll go save him," Char whispered, before skipping over to them. "Oh Edward deary, you're still shorter than me! I'll prove it to you one day!" she sang, a mischievious smile on her face. Ed looked up from beating up Denny, turning his glare on Char. He gave a roar and leapt at her. She stood there calmly. As if suddenly hit, Ed stopped, staring at Char. She looked confused as the two of them stood there. Finally he lowered his hand.

"You idiot. Next time I'll give you a proper pounding," he muttered, turning away. Char looked at Al in confusion, and he shrugged. As the group said goodbye to Armstrong and began to walk away towards the hotel, Char considered Ed's strange behaviour. She shrugged and started to skip along, humming to herself.

When they were booked into the hotel, Ed looked at Maria and Denny. "Can we go to the Central Library now?" he asked.

"Well, sure, but.." Maria began, but Ed had already raced out of the hotel.

"Big brother, wait!" Al called, chasing after him. Char looked back at Maria.

"What were you going to say?" she asked. Maria cleared her throat.

"The Central Library was burned down only a few days ago. Nothing remains, I'm afraid," she said. Char's eyes widened, then she rushed out of the building, chasing after Ed.

"Ed, wait!" she called as she ran along. Finally Ed stopped and she joined him, looking at the huge mess of charred, blackened rubble that had once been the Central Library.

"But..." Ed murmured, before anger welled up in him. "Damnit!" he shouted, punching the floor. Al watched him sadly.

"It'll be okay, brother. We'll find the Philosopher's Stone eventually," Al murmured. Char looked at both of them, trying to understand why they were so upset. She turned as Maria and Denny joined them.

Sister of the Fullmetal Alchemist *FMA Brotherhood Fanfic* {Completed!}Where stories live. Discover now