━ thirty-eight: "ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!"

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     AUTHORITY NO LONGER scared Briar and she was receiving a good amount of admirers because of it.

     (And, you know, the fact that her boyfriend was absent, as were a couple of inches from all of her skirts.)

     Umbridge had demanded that Briar told her how to clean up the swamps, but Briar had let out a laugh, saying, "Sorry, Dolly, I've been too busy being the savage offspring of a werewolf." Following that remark, Umbridge had been quiet, giving Briar such a nasty look that it took up any space for an equally nasty comment, so Briar saw herself out.

     "Fred and George are going to love hearing about this," became Briar's most-used sentence, often uttered to Lee, or Livvy, or Peeves, or the rest of her thoughts in her brain. Those wanting to take on the twins' role were running up to Briar, figuring that she was the admiral in a war against the head. Which she liked to believe she was. It brought more hope to what Laurel said at Christmas.

     Dungbombs and Stink Pellets were dropped almost every minute. A Niffler had been put in Umbridge's office. The Skiving Snackboxes that Fred and George had gifted Lee and Briar to start selling would've been sold out after one day, if it hadn't been for the charm they had put on the box, ensuring that the contents were replicated every time one Snackbox was taken out.

     In the hallways, people saluted at Briar, similar to how Peeves had done to her and the twins. And Peeves. Dear Merlin. The poltergeist had taken Fred's words and tattooed them onto the inside of his brain and heart; frequently, in his streaks of havoc, he'd halt upon spotting the blonde — often by recognising the red bow in her hair — and she'd utter a suggestion. Like, unscrewing the chandeliers. Or, transferring sewage so that it would block Umbridge's toilet and hers only.

     (Which worked quite nicely when Briar snuck into Umbridge's office to put crushed laxatives into her sugar.)

     When it got to the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s examinations, Briar managed to get Peeves wreaking havoc on the other end of the school to where exams were being held. Briar, if she was being honest, didn't care enough about school results to worry about them. She knew that she was going to die in 1998. It was 1996. She was not going to waste time worrying about exams, when she wasn't going to need to put them on masses of job applications. She'd probably have one job, and if she couldn't luck out with the Gringotts position Fleur was teasing her about, she'd probably recruit Laurel to help her make a muggle CV.

Briar ⋆ Fred Weasley (2)Where stories live. Discover now