Hall Pass

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Vikk's POV

Why am I always the fucking bottom. In every damn Fan Fiction I read. Or any time someone talks about me and the SideMen or even the pack. Hell Lachlan bottoms more then I do but that's only because of Jay and his Boyfriend. I don't understand it. The main reason I have come across is the fact that I am so much smaller then everyone. That means I'm easier to dominate. Yeah I get that. But Lachlan is literally the tallest of us all. Why is he any different.

Lachlan: "You alright mate?"

Vikk: "Yeah. Fine."

I had joined the boys in a trip to Australia. We all were staying at a hotel while we were here.With Rob staying for a month afterwards with Lachlan. Can't say I wasn't slightly jealous but still. Those two work a lot better then most other people do. Either as a friendship or as something more.

Mitch: "Are you getting destroyed again?"

Vikk: "What?"

Jerome: "How many this time?"

Vikk: "I don't know what you guys are talking about."

Jess: "So who's giving it this time? Come on Princess talk to us."

They all started laughing and I know it was all fun and games but at the same time it kind of hurt.

Jay: "Yo guys give him a break."

Vikk: "It's fine. Just a funny joke ha ha."

Rob: "Hey come on it'snot that bad."

Mitch: "It's just a joke man."

Vikk: "I know. Joke.It's funny."

Jay: "Vikk why don't you come out with me and My boyfriend tonight? And we can just chill? No YouTube. No worries?"

Lachlan: "Going out does seem like fun."

Jay: "Just us three. No one else Vikk."

Vikk: "Could go and get dinner. I'm starting to get hungry."

I looked over to see Mitch cuddling up with Jess while Jerome was talking away to Rob. Lachlan was talking to Michael, Jay's boyfriend while they were talking to a few friends of theirs. I enjoyed reading these stories. It wasn't entirely accurate but still.

Vikk: "You know I think I might prefer to just stay behind in the room and talk to the boys."

Jerome: "So which ones your favourite?"

Vikk: "I'm out. I have better shit to do."

I picked myself up out of the chair and started walking towards my room. I heard foot steps behind me but I didn't really care if I'm to be honest.

Preston: "Hey you ok?"

Vikk: "Yeah I'm fine man. Just. You can only take the jokes for so long before it get's stupid. You know."

Preston: "Hey don't feel too bad about it yeah? They are just joking because your a smaller boy. Don't take it to heart ok? Your a good guy."

Vikk: "Yeah. Thanks Preston. I don't feel good right now."

I opened up my room and walked in. Closing it behind me. I don't really get why I'm still friends with these guys. I feel the same with the SideMen. Even though there are only two gay Sidemen. I still cop the brunt of the shit from the guys. Jokes and everything else under the sun is thrown at me and I understand that but to be honest. It hurts. I just want to be a normal guy and be treated as such. Not any different for my sexuality. Who cares that I'd rather fuck Harry. Fuck Vikklan. He has barely spoken to me since I came out. Even when it comes to videos now he doesn't really talk to me. Harry noticed it and I remember he actually stayed with me the last few nights before I left. He was surprised to know I still walked out. Still got on the plane. Even I was surprised when I did. Why would I get on a plain to see my friends. Even though I knew that I would probably just end up being made fun of. I rest my head on the bed before hearing a knock on the door.

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