11- MasquerGAY'd Part one

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A/N This is part one ;) Picture to the side is of Chase, and dedication goes to "The Magister" for bugging me to upload this tonight xD

“So how’d it go?” asked Joey as I stepped into the room.

“Well...we’re going to a party”

“Oh?” he replied raising one eyebrow, “So I’m guessing it went well then?”

“Not exactly” I confessed shuffling from foot to foot

“What do you mean?” he asked as he sat up looking at me intently, I looked away. I felt sick to my stomach; I had ever since I left the school leaving Mason behind for what felt like good.

“Well...the thing is...he kinda...sort of...hates me”

“WHAT!?” Joey cried appalled. I wish I could mimic his surprise; I didn’t blame Mason one bit. Matthew was irreplaceable, I took away a human life, and that’s not something you can just go out and buy.

“He hates me” I repeated.

“Well we’re gunna have to fix that” Joey stated clapping his hands together. I knew that look in his eyes, that mischievous twinkle. He had a plan...A plan that would involve me dressing up like a hooker.


One hour later, a hooker was exactly what I looked like. Joey had somehow managed to go out and buy a pair of jeans that were meant for people my age but fit like a 12 year olds. They hugged my calves as though they had been painted on, and my crotch was heavily defined in the tight fabric leaving very little to the imagination.

The top though was the real winner here though. I didn’t know they made them still, but Joey had managed to find me a magician’s coat, you know the one right? Black and tight with long sleeves that billowed out and coattails, yeah...that one. He apparently decided I didn’t actually need a shirt, and to complete the outfit he gave me a top hat to don and of course makeup.

Yep, I was officially gay as he lined my eyes in black. But the reflection in the mirror, I have to admit was pretty tasty.

The only true problem with the ensemble, other than the lack of clothing, was the shoes. He didn’t own any formal wear so that left a pair of black vans to wear.

At least they were black...

“You know, you’re going too right?” I asked after I checked myself over...again.

“Of course” He replied, as he digged around in his closet. I looked over at him warily. And I wondered if he could tell what I myself wouldn’t admit?

I stood in the caf and sang out my love for Mason...a guy. I stood in front of him and pretended that everything was alright, that being gay was okay. I still disgust myself, Joey still disgusts me. He’s a good guy, I’m a good guy, but what we are? It isn’t right, it’s despicable, and I just couldn’t wrap my head around it.

It’s easier to say it aloud now, easier to believe it, since I know that it’s true, there’s no point in denying how I feel anymore...it’s just...I wish I could just be straight.

I wish I could be normal.

“So what’dya thinks?” Joey blurted as he waltzed out of the closet. I gaped at him.

His outfit was even more ridiculous than mine.

“You do realize this is a masquerade party and not a Halloween party right?”

“Of course” he smiled twirling in his outfit.

He had on a pair of tight black dress pants, which was fine, if you ignored the fact that they sparkled. But that however was not the worst of his ensemble. He of course had to add a white button up, which is normal, until one pairs it with a bright red suit coat with longer coattails than mine and white gloves with the tips cut off.

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