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Hey guys ok so it says I have 2 reads I'm not sure who's reading but thank you :) I'm gonna update as much as I can btw


Harry's POV

It's now 3 am and I'm laying next to the most amazing girl... I love her yeah I know that I have only known her for a month but I can't stay away from her I have been to her house at least 20 times this month and I have spent the night each time... No we have done it yet I don't want to till she wants to . I have so many questions that I don't know the answers to. I have been thinking all night about us and if we could ever be something and if we can't I know I will be heart broken. I just realized I was tossing and turning all night , I hope I didn't wake her up. She would of said something if I did right ... If she did wake up she must of thought I was sleeping. I need to get answers I love her but I don't know if she loves me. We have kissed and cuddled to watch movies but for all I know she could be using me... I don't know why I would think that she is the sweetest girl on earth she isn't someone who would us me right ? Ok I need to get answers, I think I'm gonna take her out tonight and maybe get some of my questions answered. But we're should we go ...

I got up out of the bed into the freezing cold I wish I didn't get up. Paige rolled over and took more of the covers I could tell she was cold from the loss of body heat since I got out of bed. I went and continued to go shower...,

When walked back into the room the bed was empty and I could smell coffee... I walked into the kitchen to find Paige not in there but a cup of coffee for me.grab the warm cup and walk to where I assumed she would be next the living room... I was correct she was sitting there in the dark on her phone to what I assume she was on twitter.


Sorry this was short but I will update later I'm bored in class and have to present now ugh but I hope you guys like it I promise it will get better as I post more

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