Invitation (Author) (xTF2)

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You stopped before the grand door, a sign engraved in Gold above indicated that it was compartment A10.

Taking the envelope out of your pocket, you took the letter out. The wax seal had already been broken a few days ago when you had opened it in your room.

Carefully unfolding the paper, you read it again, which felt like the 100th time.


Dear (Y/n),

Ms. Lipstickjungle has formally requested your company for her tea party, hosted exclusively on the 'Elm Express'  The passenger car A10, for you and many of her readers. It would be a tremendous honor if we could be able to have your audience, and we shall eagerly await your arrival should you decide to come.

You looked up at the golden sign again. It gleamed from the lights of the chandelier behind you, richly adorned with golden leaves and vines.

A10, there was no doubt about it.

Stretching out a hand, you knocked on the dark mahogony door twice. After a short pause, you decided to open the door yourself when it suddenly slid open, revealing Scout.

"(Y/n)?? You're here!"

Quickly making way for you, he hollared out.

"Yo guys! (Y/n)'s here!"

A rather tired voice called out.

"Scout, I've already told you-"

"Oh shit! Right!"

The entire passenger car was filled with a round of giggles, and collective sighs from 8 men could be heard as Scout fumbled to show you inside.

"I.. uh.. hey grab a seat!"

Hastily Scout pulled you inside, and you couldn't help but gasp when you took a look around.

The entire passenger car was lavishly decorated. Several chandilers gently swayed as the train kept rushing on. Giant glass vases were filled with an assortment of flowers with petals that looked as soft as icecream.

Many of the furniture, walls and decorations had gold frames or accents on them, creating a luxrious atmosphere. And the scent of coffee and tea mixed in with the honeyed fragnance from the flowers, creating a welcoming feeling.

Large windows on both sides of the train showed a snowy landscape passing in a flasht blur of white, blue and black in the cloudy daylight.

Along with the other passengers, you saw 9 men dressed up, with red ties and sleek well fitted suits.

It was then you noticed that several people were giggling at your awestruck face.

Spy walked up to you and smiled warmly.

"Ms. (L/n), we are so glad to 'ave 'ou today. May I take 'our coat?"

You turned dark red and let the Frenchman take your coat, and Pyro suddenly popped up from behind the counter with his chef's hat swaying. He stretched his arm out, handing you a menu.

"Hudda hudda hudda!!"

You nodded, and Soldier led you towards an empty seat.

"Take a seat magg- I mean miss"

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